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恶性疟疾胶体金法诊断试纸  检测

恶性疟疾胶体金法诊断试纸 检测

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Blood smears (flakes or slabs) stain for Plasmodium. And can identify the type of Plasmodium. Bone marrow smear staining of Plasmodium, the positive rate hig
恶性疟疾胶体金法诊断试纸 检测由我司提供- 广州健仑生物科技有限公司为您提供服务!

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恶性疟疾胶体金法诊断试纸 检测



Malaria symptoms

1. Latency

Infection from the human body to the incidence of Plasmodium (oral temperature over 37.8 ℃), said the incubation period. The incubation period includes the first breeding cycle throughout the IR and IR stages. Common malaria, oviparous malaria 14 days, 12 days of falciparum malaria, malaria on the 3rd day of 30 days. The number of protozoa infected, different strains, human immune differences, different ways of infection can cause different incubation period. Temperate zone so-called long-latency worm, up to 8 to 14 months. Transfusion infection incubation period of 7 to 10 days. Childbirth malaria, the incubation period is even shorter. People who have some immunity or who have taken preventive medicine may have an extended incubation period.

2. cold period

Chills, first for the ends of the extremities cool, quickly feel the back, chills. Skin goosebumps, lips, nails cyanosis, pale face, body aches and sore joints. And then trembling body, trembling teeth, and some people can not stop a few quilt cover cover, lasted about 10 minutes, and even one hour Xu, chills naturally stop, body temperature rise. The patients often have a serious illness.

3. fever period

After the disappearance of the cold, the complexion turns red, cyanosis disappears, the body temperature rises rapidly, usually more significant cold, the body temperature is higher, up to 40 ℃ or more. Hot patients suffering unbearable. Some tumbled, groaning; some delirium, emptying, and even convulsions or unconscious; some severe headache, stubborn vomiting. Patients with redness, shortness of breath; conjunctival hyperemia; burning and dry skin; pulse and speed; short urine and color depth. l more heart palpitations, thirst, cold drinks. For 2 to 6 hours, each individual up to 10 hours. Several times after the onset of lip and nose common herpes.

4. Sweating period

High fever later, facial sweat slightly, then throughout the body, sweating, wet clothes, 2 to 3 hours lower body temperature, often to 35.5 ℃. Patients feel comfortable, but very sleepy, often sleep safely. Wake up, brisk, appetite recovery, they can work as usual. Into the intermittent period.

恶性疟疾胶体金法诊断试纸 检测













恶性疟疾胶体金法诊断试纸 检测

Malaria is a disease that can spread to people of all ages. It is caused by parasites of the parasite species that spread through the bites of infected mosquitoes. Without timely treatment, malaria can cause serious, often fatal illnesses.
Type: Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malaria and Plasmodium ovale. The most common are Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. Plasmodium falciparum is by far the deadliest type of malaria infection.
Hazard: One child dies of malaria every 30 seconds. More than 1 million people die from malaria each year, mainly infants and pregnant women.
Susceptible people: Most cases and deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa. However, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and parts of Europe are also affected. Traveling from malaria-free areas to malaria-endemic areas is extremely vulnerable. Their immunity is weak or immune, and they are often faced with delayed or false malaria diagnosis after returning home.

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(  MOB:杨永汉)


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