
联系人: 杨永汉
E-mail: service@jianlun.com
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型    号: 美国NOVABIOS
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  • 产品描述




我司同时有bzo - bar - coc - thc met - - opi - oxy - mdma - cfp - amp - xtc – bat多联检测卡(胶体金法)

我司还提供:登革热,黄热病,基肯孔热,西尼罗河,立次克体,无形体,蜱虫,恙虫,锥虫,利什曼原虫,RK39, 汉坦病毒,乙脑,森林脑炎,寨卡病毒 ,H7N9 ,流感,霍乱,军团菌,结核,诺如病毒,轮状病毒,炭疽,O157,葡萄球菌 ,流行性出血热,伤寒杆菌,志贺氏菌检测试剂,!


mob 杨    

Ketamine has a high degree of lipophilicity, fat-soluble 5 to 10 times larger than thiopental. After intravenous injection (1 ~ 2mg / kg) quickly into the central nervous system within 25 ~ 30s, the patient consciousness disappear, the role of maintenance time 10 ~ 15min. After intravenous injection into the right amount of light general anesthesia, frequent nystagmus, cornea reflection light and remain flexible, in case of strong stimulation, muscle tension, do seem conscious action, blocking the passage between the tips and thalamus cortex, thalamus, and simultaneously Increasing activity of the limbic system, epileptiform wave can still be transmitted to the cortex. Analgesic effect mainly due to the medial thalamic nucleus selectively inhibited, spinal conductive mesh structure uplink beam is blocked, but the conductive spinothalamic tract is not compley blocked, the performance for this emotional apathy, somatic pain may be alleviated , But the improvement of visceral pain is limited. Ketamine can increase sympathetic activity, catechol elevated levels of catecholamines in plasma, heart rate, blood pressure and peripheral vascular resistance, pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance were increased cardiac output, stroke volume, cardiac output, coronary blood flow level is not there And so on, myocardial oxygen consumption also increased. Little effect on breathing, such as excessive dosage, too fast, or with narcotic analgesics, you can inhibit breathing, or even stop breathing. Ketamine does not inhibit pharyngeal reflex, bronchial smooth muscle relaxation, decreased respiratory resistance, increased saliva and bronchial secretion. IOP increased, does not affect uterine contractility, but easy to penetrate the placental barrier. Metabolism and endocrine can make hyperthyroidism.


Test strip test principle 

Colloidal Gold Monoclonal Antigen, Antibody Competitive Immunity Principle. When the specimen contains morphine or its metabolite at a concentration of 300 ng / ml, it binds to a limited antibody with a chromogenic microparticle immobilized on the permeable membrane, thereby preventing its binding to the antigen in the test area (T line area) , T zone will not appear precipitation ribbon. If there is no drug or its metabolites in the specimen, there will be a ribbon in the T zone. Another strip on the strip (C-line) is used to determine if the experiment is reliable.

Drugs generally refer to drugs that addicted to others. The term drug is a broad term that refers mainly to opium abuse, heroin and methamphetamine abusers, as well as natural plants, cigarettes, alcohol and solvents that are dependent on them. And medical drugs are different concepts.

Poisonous goods means goods used in the manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Some drugs are naturally available. For example, opium is a natural product that is directly extracted by cutting immature poppy fruit, but most drugs can only be obtained by chemical synthesis. These raw materials, which are indispensable for the production of pharmaceuticals and chemical products, are what we call poisonous products. Therefore, the manufacture of drugs is both medicine or chemical raw materials, but also the manufacture of drugs with the agent.

A wide range of drugs, a wide range of classification methods are not the same.

 From the source of drugs can be divided into natural drugs, semi-synthetic drugs and synthetic drugs three categories. Natural drugs are drugs that are directly extracted from virgin plants, such as opium. Semi-synthetic drugs are synthesized from natural drugs and chemicals, such as heroin. Synthetic drugs are made entirely of organic synthetic methods, such as methamphetamine.

 From the role of drugs on the central nervous system, can be divided into inhibitors, stimulants and hallucinogens. Inhibitors can inhibit the central nervous system, with the role of sedation and relaxation, such as opiates. Stimulants can stimulate the central nervous system, making people excited, such as amphetamines. Hallucinogens hallucinate people, leading to self-distortions and divisions of thinking, such as trastuzumab.

 Judging from the natural attributes of drugs, drugs can be divided into narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Narcotic drugs refers to the central nervous system has an anesthetic effect, continuous use of easily lead to physical dependence of drugs, such as opiates. Psychotropic drugs refers to the direct effect on the central nervous system, exciting or inhibited, continuous use can produce dependence on drugs, such as amphetamines.

 From the time sequence of the drug epidemic, can be divided into traditional drugs and new drugs. Traditional narcotic drugs generally refer to opiates that are popular earlier, such as opiates and heroin. The new drugs are relatively traditional drugs, mainly referring to synthetic drugs such as ice and ecstasy. Psychedelics and stimulants are the most popular forms of entertainment in our country from the end of the century to the beginning of this century.



















Benzene two nitrogen Zhuo检测试剂盒BZO300ng/ml

w the test device, urine specimen, and/or controls to reach room temperature (15-30oC) prior to te



负面:*显示两行。 一条彩色线应位于控制区(C),另一条彩色线应位于测试区(T)。 该阴性结果表明KET浓度低于可检测水平(1000ng / mL)。
正面:控制区域(C)出现一条彩色线条。 测试区域(T)不出现任何线条。 该阳性结果表明KET浓度超过可检测水平(1000ng / mL)。
无效:控制线无法显示。 标本体积不足或不正确的程序技术是控制线失败的zui可能的原因。 查看程序并用新的测试设备重复测试。 如果问题仍然存在,请立即停止使用测试套件并您当地的经销商。




【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司

【 市场部 】       杨永汉
【腾讯  】
【公司地址】 广州市清华科技园健新基地番禺石楼镇健启路63号二期2幢101-103室

1. Epidemiological history. A week before the onset of contact with the birds and their secretions, excrement, etc. have a history.
2. Diagnostic criteria.
1. Suspected cases: In line with the clinical symptoms and blood, biochemical and bacterial imaging features, influenza A common primer positive and exclude seasonal influenza, epidemiological exposure history.
2. Confirmed cases: In line with the diagnostic criteria of suspected cases, and respiratory secretions specimens isolated H7N9 bird flu virus or H7N9 avian influenza virus nucleic acid test positive.
3. Severe cases: pneumonia with respiratory failure or other organ failure are severe cases.
Antiviral treatment. As soon as possible the application of anti-influenza bacteria.
Neuraminidase inhibitors: Oseltamivir or Zanamivir are available. Clinical applications have shown that they are effective against H5N1 and H1N1 avian influenza viruses and are presumed to be effective against human H7N9 avian influenza virus . The oseltamivir adult dose of 75mg twice daily, critically ill dose can be doubled, the treatment of 5-7 days. Zanamivir adult dose of 10mg, inhaled twice daily.
Ion channel M2 blockers: laboratory data suggest Amantadine (Amantadine) and rimantadine (Rimantadine) resistance, is not recommended for use alone.
Support for treatment and prevention of complications
Strengthen support for treatment and prevention of complications. Attention to rest, drink plenty of water, increase nutrition, to a diet easy to digest. Close observation, monitoring and prevention of complications. Antibiotics should be used when there is a clear secondary bacterial infection or if there is sufficient evidence to suggest a secondary bacterial infection.
Treatment of critically ill patients. Critically ill patients should be admitted to hospital for treatment of respiratory dysfunction were given oxygen and other respiratory support corresponding to other complications occurred in patients should take appropriate treatment.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
地址:广东省广州市番禺区石楼镇清华科技园创启路63号A2栋101 Email:service@jianlun.com
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