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包括包柔氏螺旋体菌、布鲁氏菌、贝纳特氏立克次体、土伦杆菌、钩端螺旋体、新型立克次体、恙虫病、立克次体、果氏巴贝西虫、马焦虫、牛焦虫、利什曼虫、新包虫、弓形虫、猫流感病毒、猫冠状病毒、猫疱疹病毒、犬瘟病毒、犬细小病毒等病原微生物的 IFA、MIF、ELISA试剂。







【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】    杨永汉 
【腾讯 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室


随后,Davies与澳大利亚国立大学天体生物学家Charley Lineweaver和英国伦敦健康科学中心肿瘤学家Mark Vincent展开合作,提出了“返祖现象”模式,将癌症定位为古老“预编”特性的重新表达。在上个月发表于《生物学论文集》的新研究中,该研究小组指出,因为癌症出现在许多动物、植物和人类中,那么它必须从亿万年前开始进化,那时生物拥有共同的单细胞祖先。

At first glance, Davies does not seem like a warrior in the "cancer war", he is a physics background, rather than biomedical. However, about seven years ago he was invited to establish a new agency in Arizona, one of 12 institutions funded by the National Cancer Institute, to bring together physicists and oncologists to discover the disease New perspective. "We were asked to rethink the cancer from top to bottom," Davies said.
Davies then collaborated with astrobiologist Charley Lineweaver of the Australian National University and Mark Vincent, an oncologist at the London Health Science Center in the UK, to propose a "return to ancestor phenomenon" model that positions cancer as a re-expression of the ancient "pre-programmed" nature. In a new study published in the Proceedings of Biology last month, the team pointed out that because cancer appears in many animals, plants and humans, it must evolve hundreds of millions of years ago when the creatures have common Single cell ancestor.
At that time, cells benefit from eternal life, or infinite proliferative capacity, just as cancer does. But when complex multicellular organisms begin to emerge, "Immortality" is subcontracted to the egg and antigenic antibodies, Davies said, not involving multiplying somatic cells that are no longer needed for this function.
The team's hypothesis is that when healthy cells are exposed to environmental threats, such as radiation or life, cells can revert to a "pre-programmed security model." As a result, cells discard higher functions and switch their dormancy to proliferative capacity in order to survive. "Cancer is an automatic barrier," Davies said. "Once the subroutine is triggered, it runs coldly."
On September 11, at a medical engineering conference organized by Imperial College London, Davies described a series of cancer therapies based on this anteversion phenomenon. Davies points out that unlike a simple attack on cancer replication, the model reveals "the Achilles heel of cancer." For example, if the theory is correct, the Earth's environment is more acidic and oxygenier at the beginning of cancer's evolution. Therefore, the researchers predicted that the use of high levels of oxygen and added to the diet reducing sugar to reduce acidity, can inhibit the tumor and cause tumor shrinkage.

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