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落基山斑疹伤寒立克次体IgG ELISA试剂盒

落基山斑疹伤寒立克次体IgG ELISA试剂盒

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落基山斑疹伤寒立克次体IgG ELISA试剂盒 立克次体 巴尔通体 需要了解更多美国FULLER产品可以咨询我们,本产品由广州健仑生物科技有限公司提供

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落基山斑疹伤寒立克次体IgG ELISA试剂盒

Rickettsia rickettsii IgG ELISA Kit




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落基山斑疹伤寒立克次体IgG ELISA试剂盒





【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】    杨永汉 
【腾讯 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室


这些人类疾病统称为ciliopathies,其中许多这种疾病,包括年轻综合征(Jeune Syndrome),都与儿童的发育有关。在英国,每10万个婴儿中就有一个在出生时患有年轻综合征——这是一种罕见的遗传疾病,会影响孩子的软骨和骨骼发育。
这项新的研究是由医学研究委员会资助,并且发表于2014年9月9日的《Journal of Cell science》杂志上,*精确的解释人类胞质动力蛋白-2马达是如何工作的。这项新的成果可能有助于诊断,并且科学家希望他们能够改变缺陷马达的功能,有益于治疗。

Another mystery of the human body has been solved by scientists, who have identified a molecular motor that is indispensable in the work of human development. They also rightly pointed out why genetic mutations associated with the motor can trigger a wide range of human diseases.
Researchers at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom have identified a human version of the molecular motor composition called "cytoplasmic dynein-2," which plays a crucial role in normal human development. Motokin 2 directs molecules into the cilia and controls their movement along the cilia.
Cilia is a slender process that acts almost as a whisker of all human cells and plays an important role in sensing signaling functions of cells. It is known that cilia dysfunction can cause long-term paralysis and sometimes life-threatening genetic diseases. This can affect multiple systems, resulting in blindness, deafness, chronic respiratory infections, kidney disease, heart disease, antigen-antibody, obesity and diabetes.
These human diseases are collectively referred to as ciliopathies, and many of these diseases, including the Jeune Syndrome, are related to children's development. In the UK, one out of every 100,000 infants is born with a young syndrome - a rare genetic disorder that affects the child's cartilage and bone development.
The new study, funded by the Medical Research Council and published in the September 9, 2014 issue of the Journal of Cell Sciences, for the first time accuray explains how the human cytoplasmic dynein-2 motor works. The new results may help diagnose, and scientists hope they will be able to change the function of the defective motor, beneficial treatment.
Professor David Stephens from the University of Bristol's School of Biochemistry led the study. "The discovery of new components in this motor provides us with a good opportunity to understand how the lack of dynamin-2 can trigger disease," he said.
Working on a simple model organism, such as green algae, studies have also shown that two genes associated with young syndromes (WDR34 and WDR60) are essential components of this motor in the human version.


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