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牛巴贝西虫免疫荧光玻片 立克次体 巴尔通体 需要了解更多产品可以咨询我们,本产品由广州健仑生物科技有限公司提供

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babesia bovis IFA Substrate slide



产品规格:12 孔/张,10 张/盒

主要产品包括:包柔氏螺旋体菌、布鲁氏菌、贝纳特氏立克次体、土伦杆菌、钩端螺旋体、新型立克次体、恙虫病、立克次体、果氏巴贝西虫、马焦虫、牛焦虫、利什曼虫、新包虫、弓形虫、猫流感病毒、猫冠状病毒、猫疱疹病毒、犬瘟病毒、犬细小病毒等病原微生物的 IFA、MIF、ELISA试剂。





JL-FL54牛双芽巴贝西虫免疫荧光玻片babesia bigemina IFA Substrate slide
JL-FL55牛双芽巴贝西虫免疫荧光试剂盒babesia bigemina IFA Kit
JL-FL56babesia bovis IFA Substrate slide
JL-FL57牛巴贝西虫免疫荧光试剂盒babesia bovis IFA Kit
JL-FL58驽巴贝西虫免疫荧光玻片babesia caballi IFA Substrate slide
JL-FL59驽巴贝西虫免疫荧光试剂盒babesia caballi IFA Kit
JL-FL60马泰勒虫免疫荧光玻片theileria equi IFA Substrate slide
JL-FL61马泰勒虫免疫荧光试剂盒theileria equi IFA Kit
JL-FL62利什曼虫IgG免疫荧光试剂盒Leishmania IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL63新孢子虫IgG免疫荧光试剂盒(检测狗)Neospora caninum IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL64新孢子虫IgG免疫荧光试剂盒(检测马)Neospora caninum IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL65猫杯状病毒IgG免疫荧光玻片Feline Calicivirus IgG IFA Substrate slide
JL-FL66猫冠状病毒IgG免疫荧光玻片Feline Coronavirus IgG IFA Substrate slide
JL-FL67猫疱疹病毒IgG免疫荧光玻片Feline Herpesvirus IgG IFA Substrate slide
JL-FL68犬瘟病毒IgG免疫荧光玻片Canine Distemper IgG IFA Substrate slide
JL-FL69犬细小病毒IgG免疫荧光玻片Canine Parvovirus IgG IFA Substrate slide


【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】    杨永汉 
【腾讯 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室


“考虑到这种多平台类型基因组分析的潜力,我们还只是分析了冰山的一角。未来可能还有多达30%或 50%的癌症需要被重新归类”。
基底样抗原抗体癌(Basal-like breast cancers)通常称为三阴性抗原抗体癌(triple-negative breast cancer),是一种特别具有侵袭性,并致命的癌症。“即使这些基底样癌症出现在抗原抗体中,但在分子水平上它们与卵巢癌和鳞状上皮细胞起源的癌症更为相似,”Yau说。

Benz, the article's author, notes that most of our tissue is made up of many different types of epithelial cells and non-epithelial cells. "This antigen-antibody genomic study not only challenged existing cancer classification systems based on tissue type but also Provides a host of new sources of data that can be used for further research, as well as a comprehensive list of molecular features that can be used to differentiate each newly described cancer type, "says Benz." For example, bladder cancer can be subdivided into several different cancer types, Each has a different clinical manifestation, which helps to explain why patients often respond differently to seemingly identical types of cancer for the same systemic therapy. "
The team found that at least one out of ten cancer patients could be classified into different cancer types by this new system, and that Benz believes that if they do more samples in the next round, and tumor types will be analyzed There are more tumors that need to be reclassified, and he expects the next round of analysis to be performed on more than 20 different tumor types.
"Given the potential of this multiplatform type of genomic analysis, we're still just analyzing the tip of the iceberg, and perhaps as many as 30 or 50% of cancers need to be reclassified in the future."
The most striking finding in this study is the result of bladder cancer and antigen-antibody cancers that require reclassification of at least three different subtypes of bladder cancer: one that is indistinguishable from lung adenocarcinoma One that is very similar to squamous cell carcinoma, which originates from the head, neck and lung.
This study also points to and confirms the known differences in antigen-antibody cancer types and reveals new and surprising findings that basal-like antigen-antibody cancer is actually a new class of cancer.
Basal-like breast cancers, commonly known as triple-negative breast cancers, are a particularly aggressive and deadly cancer. "Even though these basal-like cancers are present in antigen-antibodies, they are more like molecularly cancers of ovarian and squamous cell origin," Yau said.

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