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甲型流感IFA IgG荧光试剂盒

甲型流感IFA IgG荧光试剂盒

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甲型流感IFA IgG荧光试剂盒 流感主要品牌有:日本富士(瑞必欧)、日本生研、美国BD、美国NovaBios、美国binaxNOW、英国clearview、凯必利、广州创仑等。欢迎大家,广州健仑生物科技有限公司

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甲型流感IFA IgG荧光试剂盒



甲型流感IFA IgG荧光试剂盒





【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103室

悉尼加尔文医学研究所(Garvan Institute of Medical Research)内分泌学家保罗·李(Paul Lee)的“在较冷环境下长期暴露对人类影响”实验(以下简称为ICEMAN)”,展示了棕色脂肪的可塑性。而李此前的研究显示,体内棕色脂肪充裕的人,往往更为瘦削,血糖水平也较低;此外,普通的人类白色脂肪细胞,能够转化为棕色脂肪细胞。

The cold environment is conducive to the formation of brown fat
Brown fat (also known as brown adipose tissue) is a special fat that burns energy to produce heat. Brown fat for small animals, babies warm, and adequate supply of brown fat animal, can be free from diabetes, obesity problems. However, the relationship between this particular type of adipose tissue and metabolism has not been clear.
Recent research by Paul Lee, an endocrinologist at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney, "long-term exposure to human effects in colder climates" (hereafter referred to as "ICEMAN") showed that brown fat Plasticity, while previous studies by Lee showed that people with ample brown fat in the body tend to be more obese and have lower blood sugar levels; in addition, ordinary human white adipocytes can be transformed into brown fat cells.
ICEMAN's five healthy male volunteers need to be exposed to the specified temperature for at least 10 hours a day over a four-month period - they live normal daily during the day and return to a temperature controlled clinical trial center in the evening .
In the first month in four months, the laboratory temperature is kept at 24 degrees Celsius, and the body does not need to be laborious to produce or consume calories. The second month, the temperature dropped to 19 degrees Celsius, the third month back to 24 degrees, the fourth month rose to 27 degrees. Towards the end of each month, volunteers need a detailed "thermometric assessment." The measurement result of the first month and the end of the month is positioned as "standard line".
In addition, PET / CT was also used during the experiment to measure the metabolic changes of brown fat, muscle and fat. Experimental results show that brown fat increases in cold months and falls in warm months.
One of the major benefits of increased brown fat mass is its increased sensitivity to insulin - meaning that people who have more brown fat in their body need less insulin to lower their blood glucose levels after a meal.
"Before this study, it was unknown whether there was any real control over the growth of brown fat in our body, and our study found that the cold months increased brown fat by 30% to 40%, while in the second month at 24 degrees Celsius, the brown Fat levels dropped back to baseline in April - the temperature was as high as 27 degrees and the amount of brown fat dropped below baseline. "

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