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型    号: 广州创仑
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甲型流感导致脑膜炎核酸检测试剂盒 流感主要品牌有:日本富士(瑞必欧)、日本生研、美国BD、美国NovaBios、美国binaxNOW、英国clearview、凯必利、广州创仑等。欢迎大家,广州健仑生物科技有限公司

  • 产品描述









英文名称:Detection Kit for Avian Influenza Virus Subtype H7N9 RNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)  
本试剂盒基于实时荧光PCR技术,分别选取H7N9qin流感病毒的HA基因和NA基因保守区作为扩增靶区域,设计特异性引物探针,通过一步法实时荧光PCR体系扩增对H7N9qin流感病毒进行定性检测。反应体系中除特异性引物和特异性荧光探针外,还配以对应的PCR反应Buffer、逆转录酶、Hot-Start Taq酶、核苷酸单体(dNTPs)、Mg2+等成分,可实现对H7N9qin流感病毒核酸灵敏特异地检测。

【Product Name】 Common Name: H7N9qin influenza virus nucleic acid detection kit (PCR-fluorescence probe method)
English name: Detection Kit for Avian Influenza Virus Subtype H7N9 RNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)
【Packing】 large package, 48 reaction / box
【expected usage】
Influenza virus can be divided into A (A), B (B), C (C) three types. Among them, influenza A virus can be divided into 1-16 subtypes according to the influenza virus hemagglutinin protein (HA), according to the virus neuraminidase protein (NA) can be divided into 1-9 subtypes, HA Different subtypes can be combined with different subtypes of NA to form different influenza viruses. The qin class, especially water qin, is the natural host for all of these flu viruses and the H7N9 qin flu virus is one of them. H7N9 influenza virus can infect both qin class, also can infect people. People infected with H7N9qin flu will develop severe pneumonia, symptoms include fever, cough, difficulty breathing and so on.
This kit is suitable for the detection of H7N9qin influenza virus RNA in samples of respiratory tract, serum, lung tissue, etc. It can be used for laboratory diagnosis and host animal monitoring of the virus infection. Test results for research purposes only, not for clinical diagnosis.
【Test principle】
This kit is based on real-time fluorescence PCR technology, respectively, selected H7N9qin influenza virus HA gene and NA gene conserved region as the amplification target region, design specific primer probe, by one-step real-time PCR amplification of H7N9qin influenza virus qualitative Detection. In addition to the specific primers and specific fluorescent probes in the reaction system, corresponding PCR reaction Buffer, reverse transcriptase, Hot-Start Taq enzyme, dNTPs, Mg2 + and other components can be achieved The H7N9qin influenza virus nucleic acid is sensitively and specifically detected.
【Main components】

















AIV H7N9内标溶液








AIV H7N9阳性质控品



Sample Requirements

1 Applicable sample types: respiratory samples, serum, lung tissue.

2 sample collection, storage and delivery.

Specimen collection, storage, delivery, please follow the "human infection H7N9 bird flu virus specimen collection and laboratory testing strategy."

It is recommended to take 200μl of liquid sample for nucleic acid extraction; tissue samples can be extracted with a grinding fluid. Zhongshan University Daan Gene Co., Ltd. can produce nucleic acid extraction kit, please follow the kit instructions; also choose other suitable commercial products. The internal standard solution in this kit is involved in the extraction process. If no internal standard is specified in the extraction kit, 4 μl of internal standard solution can be added to each 200 μl sample for nucleic acid extraction.

Negative controls in this kit are involved in the extraction and are used to monitor the environment. AIV H7N9 positive controls are not involved in the extraction and are used to control the quality of PCR reagents.


【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103室

湿疹型药疹一般具有以下几个特点:①湿疹型药疹为后天获得,虽然和过敏素质与遗传有密切关系,但药物过敏不能直接由亲体遗传;②湿疹型药疹一般均发生于多次药物接触后,而绝少发生于*接触者;③湿疹型药疹的*发病均有潜伏期,一般至少经1周左右,而再次发病则无潜伏期,可以即刻发病;④湿疹型药疹的激发剂量一般均较低,患者一旦致敏,则往往可由极少量的药物接触丽致发作;⑤湿疹型药疹一般具有典型的症状或体征;⑥湿疹型药疹患者仅见于少数用药患者。在早期或急性阶段,患处有成片的红斑,密集或疏散的小丘疹,或是肉眼难见的水疱,严重时有大片渗液及糜烂;在亚急性状态,渗液减少及结痂,患处由鲜红变暗红,没有大片的糜烂;在慢性状态,渗液更少或*干燥而结痂,往往和鳞屑混合而成鳞屑痂,患处颜色更暗或是发十色素沉着,有时色素减少,在皮纹尤其运动程度较大的部位容易发生裂口,长期摩擦搔抓能引起显著的苔藓样化,和神经性皮炎(慢性单纯苔藓)不易区别。 湿疹常有多种形态,容易减轻、加重或复发,边界一般不太清楚。皮疹容易发生于两侧并或多或少的对称,根据急性或慢性程度而有红斑、丘疹、水疱、糜烂、鳞屑、痂、色素增加或减少、皲裂或苔藓样化等不同的表现,其中数种表现往往混杂在一起,有时先后发生。如有继发性感染,还可有脓疱等皮损。




Eczema type drug eruption generally has the following characteristics: ① eczema type drug eruption acquired for the day after tomorrow, although the allergenic quality and genetic are closely related, but the drug allergy can not be directly inherited by the parent; ② eczema drug eruption usually occurred after multiple drug contact , And seldom occurred in the first contact; ③ the first onset of eczema-type drug eruption has a latent period, usually at least 1 week, while the incidence of the disease has no incubation period, the disease can be immediay; ④ eczema-type drug eruption dose are generally lower , Once the patient sensitized, you can often be caused by a very small amount of drug exposure caused by Polyglot; ⑤ eczema type drug eruption usually has the typical symptoms or signs; ⑥ eczema type drug eruption patients found only in a small number of patients. In the early or acute stage, the affected area has a patch of erythema, dense or scattered papules, or the unseen blisters, severe exudate and erosion; in the subacute state, exudate and scab, the affected area Dark red dark red, no large pieces of erosion; in chronic conditions, exudate less or compley dry and scab, often mixed with scaly scabs, the lesion is darker or ten pigmentation, sometimes reduced pigment, In the dermatoglyphic areas especially prone to greater movement of the gap, long-term friction scratching can cause significant mossification, and neurodermatitis (chronic simple moss) is not easy to distinguish. Eczema often a variety of forms, easy to reduce, aggravate or relapse, the border is generally not clear. Rashes easily occur on both sides and more or less symmetrical, according to the degree of acute or chronic erythema, papules, blisters, erosion, scales, scabs, pigment increase or decrease, chapped or mossy and other different performance, the number of The performance is often mixed together, sometimes in succession. If secondary infection, there may be pustular lesions.

Chronic eczema often results from a subacute phase of acute eczema. However, there is no clear boundary for this change, and acute, subacute, and chronic manifestations can occur at the same time. The initial rash in some patients is already chronic eczema.

Acute eczema mainly for the erythema, scattered or groups of red papules, the eye blister visible, secondary infection can be pustular, exudate in severe cases, exposing the rosy moist erosion surface.

Lesions of the site of indefinite, can be limited, but also diffuse throughout the body can spread in different parts may have different manifestations, for example, often due to suppurative scalp eczema impetious thick crust, and Department of eczema Often is a piece of erythema or scattered blisters pimples, adult men's beard eczema can be like a sore, trunk eczema often erythema scales; breast eczema is most common in women, especially breastfeeding mothers, nipples easily chapped and pain; palms and feet The bottom of the chronic eczema due to hyperkeratosis and the corpus callosum, dermatoglyphics easily rupture and chapped eczema; occurred in the elbow fossa and popliteal limb eczema is often chronic eczema, and occurs in the calf hypostatic eczema often A manifestation of varicose syndrome.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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