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型    号: 荧光探针法
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甲型流感病毒H15亚型核酸检测试剂盒 流感主要品牌有:日本富士(瑞必欧)、日本生研、美国BD、美国NovaBios、美国binaxNOW、英国clearview、凯必利、广州创仑等。欢迎大家,广州健仑生物科技有限公司

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【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103室


3、泪道堵塞不畅:(1)泪小点闭塞:泪小点呈膜性闭锁;(2)泪小管阻塞:从泪小点入针,液体立即从泪小点返流;(3)鼻泪管阻塞:从下泪点进针,先略顺利,后从上泪点流出,无粘液性或脓性分泌物返流; (4)鼻泪管狭窄:从泪小点进针,部分液体返流,少量液体通过流入鼻咽部。









2, overflow tears: Long-term overflowing tears, flushing near the skin flushing, rough, eczema, as patients continue to swab down, can promote lower eyelid valgus.

(3) lacrimal passage blocked blocked: (1) punctatus occlusion: punctum was membranous atresia; (2) lacrimal duct obstruction: from the punctum into the needle, the liquid immediay from the tear dot reflux; (3) Nasolacrimal duct obstruction: from the point of punctum into the needle, the first slightly smooth, then flow from the tear point, no mucinous or purulent discharge reflux; (4) nasolacrimal duct stenosis: from the punctum into the needle, the part Liquid reflux, a small amount of liquid through the nasopharynx.

To excessive secretion of tears or lacrimal duct obstruction as the center, do the following three checks.

1. Schmelmeier's test: the use of special test strips, the determination of tear secretion per minute. Cats under normal circumstances make the test paper moist 10 ~ 15mm, very few more than 20mm, such as more than 23mm, then abnormal.

2. Hydrotalcitin through the test: a drop of 1% hydrogen fluorescein liquid eye, eye wash after 60 seconds to remove hydrogen fluoride, the use of fluorescent light to observe the nose, see the fluorescence were positive, did not see the bacteria. Bacterial who shows lacrimal duct obstruction. However, some cats appear after 5 to 10 minutes, so the final judgment will be waited until 10 minutes later.

3. Lacrimal x-ray examination: mainly to investigate the lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Prior to injection of saline from the punctum, oppression lacrimal sac, confirm the washings from the next punctate flow, the injection of organic iodine contrast agent after x-ray photography. Lacrimal obstruction can be seen when the contrast agent to stay there.

Tears treatment and prevention methods

Acute trachoma leads to the prevention of tearing signs:

Chlamydia trachomatis often attached to the patient's eye secretions, any contact with this secretions, can cause trachoma spread of infection.

Therefore, publicity and education should be stepped up and the prevention and treatment of eye diseases should be passed on to the masses and the principle of prevention should be followed. Develop good health habits. Do not rubbed his eyes, towels, handkerchiefs to wash, dry; nurseries, schools, factories and other collective units should be divided into sub-branches or wash water, the trachoma patients should be actively treated to strengthen the barber room, bathroom, hos and other service industries Health management, strict towels, washbasins and other disinfection systems, and pay attention to clean water. Correction of eyelid eversion, so that the location of the punctuality returned to normal, while treating blepharitis. Narrow stenosis or occlusion of small tears point dilatation surgery, tear open or bite incision. Lacrimal tuberculous or obstruction of the Explorer, the light available probe for the expansion of force, threading intubation. Serious cases can be used for conjunctival dacryocystorhinostomy or intubation. Or by their own vein to bridge the lacrimal sac and conjunctiva. When we look at something in the eyes of an object as two, resulting in double vision, this is double vision. Professional definition is that under the premise of normal retinal correspondence, an object falls on the retinal point of separation is too large, can not form binocular vision, and an object as two. Divided into monocular diplopia and binocular diplopia. Upper and lower rectus muscle contraction, the eye turn or turn down, but also to make the eye turn; upper oblique main eyeball pronation, but also to the eye turn and outside the turn; lower oblique mainly outside the eyeball, At the same time also make the eye turn up and turn outside.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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