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流感诊断血清 a型2ml

流感诊断血清 a型2ml

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流感诊断血清 a型2ml 流感主要品牌有:日本富士(瑞必欧)、日本生研、美国BD、美国NovaBios、美国binaxNOW、英国clearview、凯必利、广州创仑等。欢迎大家,广州健仑生物科技有限公司

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流感诊断血清 a型2ml



流感诊断血清 a型2ml





【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103室

1. 破坏脑脊髓:取蟾蜍一只,用自来水冲洗干净。左手握住蟾蜍,用食指压住头部前端使头前俯,右手持刺蛙针从枕骨大孔向前刺入颅腔,左右搅动捣毁脑组织,然后将刺蛙针退到枕骨大孔,不拔出而是将其尖转向后插入脊柱管中捣毁脊髓,插入椎管时,蟾蜍后肢立即失去紧张性,多数情况出现尿失禁。若脑脊髓破坏*,可见蟾蜍四肢松弛,呼吸消失。
2. 剪除上肢和内脏:在骶髂关节上0.5~1.0cm处用粗剪刀剪断脊柱。用镊子夹住后端脊柱,以剪刀沿脊柱两侧剪除所有内脏及头胸口,留下后肢、骶骨、后端脊柱及紧贴于脊柱两侧的坐骨神经。
3. 剥皮:左手用镊子或直接用手捏住脊柱断端(注意不要压迫神经),右手捏住断端边缘皮肤,向下剥去全部后肢皮肤,将标本置于盛有任氏液的培养皿中。将手和用过的器械洗净后再进行以下步骤。
4. 分离两腿:用玻璃分针沿脊柱两侧游离出两条坐骨神经,并于近脊柱处各扎一细线,然后在扎线与脊柱之间剪断神经。提着神经上的细线,将两条坐骨神经分别置于两条大腿上,左手持脊柱,将骶骨翘起,将下位脊柱全部剪除。捏着两侧髂骨向反方向分离,使耻骨联合脱臼后,沿耻骨联合正中将两下肢剪开,将一条腿浸于任氏液中备用,另一条置于浸有任氏液的玻璃板上。
5. 游离坐骨神经和剪断股骨:认清坐骨神经沟和腓肠肌的部位,用剪刀剪断梨状肌及其周围的结缔组织,左手提着神经上的细线,右手持剪刀或玻璃分针沿坐骨神经沟细心剥离,直至将坐骨神经剥离到腘窝。将游离干净的坐骨神经放在下腿上,沿膝关节的周围将大腿的所有肌腱剪断,并用剪刀刮净股骨下段附着的肌肉,在股骨上1/3处剪去上段股骨及所附的肌肉,这样制成的称为坐骨神经下腿标本。
6. 游离腓肠肌:在坐骨神经下腿标本的基础上,用剪刀将跟腱的下端剪断,在跟腱与肌肉交界处扎一条细线,左手提线,右手用剪刀游离腓肠肌,直到膝关节。zui后用粗剪刀在膝关节下将小腿剪去,留下的即为坐骨神经腓肠肌标本。做好的标本用锌铜叉的两极轻轻接触坐骨神经,如腓肠肌立即收缩,表示标本的兴奋性良好,然后将标本放入任氏液中,待其兴奋性稳定后再进行实验。

Experimental steps
1. Destruction of the brain spinal cord: take a toad, rinse with tap water. Hold the toad with his left hand, press the front of the head with the index finger to head down, the right hand holding the frog needle piercing the foramen magnum foramen into the cranial cavity, left and right stir to destroy the brain tissue, and then frog needle back to the foramen magnum, not Pull out but pointed into the spine after turning into the spinal canal to destroy the spinal cord, insert the spinal canal, toad hindlimbs immediay lose tension, urinary incontinence in most cases. If the destruction of the brain spinal cord compley, we can see the toads relaxed limbs, breathing disappeared.
2. Cut off the upper extremities and internal organs: 0.5 ~ 1.0cm in the sacroiliac joint with a coarse scissors to cut the spine. Clamp the posterior spine with tweezers, cut off all the viscera and head chest with scissors on both sides of the spine, leaving hind limbs, sacrum, posterior spine and sciatic nerve in close contact with both sides of the spine.
3. Skinning: left hand tweezers or pinch the spine directly with your hands (be careful not to pressure the nerve), the right hand pinch the edge of the broken edge of the skin, peel downward all the skin of the hind limbs, Dish. Wash hands and used instruments before proceeding with the following steps.
4. Separation of legs: with glass minutes along both sides of the spine free two sciatic nerve, and in the proximal spinal column at each tie a thin line, and then cut the nerves between the nails and spine. Carrying the nerve on the thin line, the two sciatic nerve were placed on two thighs, left hand holding the spine, the sacrum tilt, the lower spine all cut off. Pinch the iliac on both sides of the separation to the opposite direction, the dislocation of the pubic symphysis, the middle of the pubic symphysis will lower both limbs, one leg immersed in Ren liquid spare, the other placed in Ren's liquid immersed glass on.
5. Free sciatic nerve and cut the femur: recognize the parts of the sciatic nerve sulcus and gastrocnemius muscle, with the scissors to cut the piriformis and its surrounding connective tissue, the left hand carrying the nerve on the thin line, right hand holding scissors or glass minute hand along the sciatic nerve groove carefully peel , Until the sciatic nerve stripped to popliteal fossa. The free and clean sciatic nerve on the lower leg, along the knee around the thigh will be cut all the tendons, and use scissors to clean the muscles attached to the lower femur, the upper femur 1/3 cut off the upper femur and attached muscles, so Made of sciatic nerve lower leg specimens.
6. Free gastrocnemius: On the basis of sciatic nerve lower leg specimens, cut the lower end of the Achilles tendon with scissors, tie a thin line at the junction of Achilles tendon and muscle, raise the left hand and the right hand use scissors to free the gastrocnemius muscle until the knee joint. Finally, use the scissors to cut off the calf under the knee joint, leaving the sciatic nerve gastrocnemius specimen. Well done specimens with zinc copper fork gently touch the sciatic nerve poles, such as immediate contraction of the gastrocnemius, said specimens of excitability is good, and then the specimens into Ren's solution, to be excitatory stability after the experiment.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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