
联系人: 杨永汉
E-mail: service@jianlun.com
您现在的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 人类疾病诊断 > 诊断试剂盒 > 美国BINAXNOW疟原虫抗体 荧光PCR检测试剂盒
疟原虫抗体 荧光PCR检测试剂盒

疟原虫抗体 荧光PCR检测试剂盒

型    号: 美国BINAXNOW
报    价:

疟疾是经按蚊叮咬或输入带疟原虫者的血液而感染疟原虫所引起的虫媒传染病。检测疟原虫抗体和抗原对诊断疟疾有帮助,疟原虫抗体 荧光PCR检测试剂盒由我司提供- 广州健仑生物科技有限公司为您提供服务!

  • 产品描述

疟原虫抗体 荧光PCR检测试剂盒



疟原虫抗体 荧光PCR检测试剂盒 本试剂盒主要是采用胶体金层析的原理制成,用于检测人体血清/血浆/全血标本中,感染的疟原虫抗体,包括了恶性疟原虫和间日疟原虫、卵形疟原虫、三日疟原虫共有抗原的鉴别性检测。

人群易感性 人群对疟疾普遍易感,感染后虽有一定的免疫力,但不持久,各型疟疾之间亦无交叉免疫性,经反复多次感染后,再感染时症状可较轻,甚至无症状,而一般非流行区来的外来人员常较易感染,且症状较重。
People susceptible to the crowd generally susceptible to malaria, although the infection after a certain degree of immunity, but not lasting, there is no cross-immunity between malaria, after repeated infections, re-infection symptoms may be lighter, or even Asymptomatic, while the non-endemic areas of non-migrant workers are often more susceptible to infection, and the symptoms are severe.

1 撕开检测卡铝箔袋,取出袋内金标卡。注意:不要让袋内材料暴露于高温高湿环境,撕开铝箔袋后尽快使用。


3 取5微升(吸管*刻度处)全血标本,垂直加入金标卡上“加样孔A”内。

4 掰断裂解液瓶子盖子上方的绿色圆头,在“样品孔B”上垂直滴加4滴裂解液。

5 在十五分钟内出结果注意:必须在15分钟内判读结果,如超时判断,结果无效。

6 请遵循相关法规,妥善处理样本及废弃材料。

7 存储条件:2-30℃;

8 保质期:18个月;




我司为美国NOVABIOS公司在中国地区战略合作伙伴,负责该公司产品的总经销及售后服务工作。还与各疾控中心,疾病防御中心有合作关系,例如中国疾病预防控制中心 、浙江省疾病预防控制中心  ,详情可以我司工作人员。

(  MOB:杨永汉)  




【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103



(1)肺结核分型 ①原发型肺结核(Ⅰ型) 肺内渗出病变、淋巴管炎和肺门淋巴结肿大的哑铃状改变的原发综合征,儿童多见,或仅表现为肺门和纵隔淋巴结肿大。②血行播散型肺结核(Ⅱ型) 包括急性粟粒性肺结核和慢性或亚急性血行播散型肺结核两型。急性粟粒型肺结核:两肺散在的粟粒大小的细菌影,大小*密度相等,分布均匀的粟粒状细菌影,随病期进展,可互相融合;慢性或亚急性血行播散型肺结核:两肺出现大小不一、新旧病变不同,分布不均匀,边缘模糊或锐利的结节和索条细菌影。③继发型肺结核(Ⅲ型) 本型中包括病变以增殖为主、浸润病变为主、干酪病变为主或空洞为主的多种改变。
2. C*tion characteristics
Various spirochetes in the physiological needs are not the same, the energy comes from carbohydrates, amino acids and long-chain fatty acids and so on.
Antigen composition
Most of the antigen components of spirochetes are mainly outer membrane proteins and internal flagellar antigens, other antigen components vary with bacteria.
4 resistance
The resistance of spirochetes is weak, but the resistance of leptospira is stronger than that of Treponema pallidum. Pathogenesis of spirochetes is not yet clear. Different spirochetes cause disease through different pathogenic agents and mechanisms. Leptospirosis may be related to its hemolysin with red blood cells, cytotoxic agents and endotoxin-like substances. Pathogenesis of Treponema pallidum and its surface membrane-like substance adhesion and secretion of mucolytic enzyme role. The immune nature of spirochetes is dominated by humoral immunity. After leptospirosis is recovered, a sustained humoral immunity to the leptospira can be obtained. Treponema pallidum immunization is contagious immunity, the infected body produces specific antibodies can mediate killing or dissolving Treponema pallidum. There is a closer contact history of tuberculosis, the onset of emergency can be slow, mostly low fever (for the afternoon), night sweats, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, menstrual disorders, etc .; respiratory symptoms are cough, sputum, hemoptysis, chest pain, Different degrees of chest tightness or breathing difficulties.
2. signs
Pulmonary signs according to the severity of the disease vary in different areas, early, small tuberculosis is not easy to find positive signs, lesions were extensive percussion was voiced, increased trembling, alveolar breath sounds low and wet rales. Advanced tuberculosis fibrosis, local contraction of the collapse of the pleura and mediastinal shift. Tuberculous pleurisy in early pleural friction, the formation of a large number of pleural effusion, the chest wall full, percussion turbidity, fibrillation and breath sounds reduce or disappear.
Tuberculosis classification and staging
(1) tuberculosis classification ① primary pulmonary tuberculosis (type Ⅰ) intrapulmonary exudative lesions, lymphangitis and hilar lymph nodes enlarged dumbbell-shaped primary syndrome, more common in children, or only as hilar And mediastinal lymph nodes. ② hematogenous disseminated tuberculosis (type Ⅱ), including acute miliary tuberculosis and chronic or subacute hematogenous disseminated tuberculosis two types. Acute miliary tuberculosis: mildew-sized bacterial shadow scattered in both lungs, uniform and uniform density of the size of uniform miliary bacterial shadow, with the progression of the disease, can be mutually integrated; chronic or subacute hematogenous disseminated tuberculosis: two lungs appear Different sizes, different old and new lesions, uneven distribution, blurred edges or sharp nodules and cable bacteria shadow. ③ secondary pulmonary tuberculosis (type Ⅲ) This type includes lesions mainly proliferation, infiltration of lesions, mainly cheese lesions or empty-based variety of changes.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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