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通用名:脑膜炎奈瑟菌诊断血清英文名:antisera for N.meningitidis










【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103



雌螨大小为 0.3~0.5×0.25~0.4 mm;雄螨为 0.2~





粗,分 5 节,呈圆锥形。前两对足与后两对足之间的距离较大,

足的基部有角质内突。雌雄螨前 2 对足的末端均有具长柄的爪垫



卵孔位于后 2 对足之前的中央,呈横裂缝状。雄螨的外生殖器位

于第 4 对足之间略后处。两者的肛门都位于躯体后缘正中。疥螨




隧道产卵卵呈圆形或椭圆形,淡黄色,壳薄,大小约 80×180 μ

m,产出后经 3~5 天孵化为幼虫。幼虫足 3 对,2 对在体前部

,1 对近体后端。幼虫仍生活在原隧道中,或另凿隧道,经 3~4 

天蜕皮为前若虫。若虫似成虫,有足 4 对,前若虫生殖器尚未显

现,约经 2 天后蜕皮成后若虫。雌性后若虫产卵孔尚未发育*

,但阴道孔已形成,可行交配。后若虫再经 3~4 天蜕皮而为成

虫。完成一代生活史需时 8~17 天。

若虫完成。雄虫大多在交配后不久即死亡;雌后若虫在交配后 20

~30 分钟内钻入宿主皮内,蜕皮为雌虫,2~3 天后即在隧道内

产卵。每日可产 2~4 个卵,一生共可产卵 40~50 个,雌螨寿

命约5~6周。[1] 生活环境


Female mite size 0.3 ~ 0.5 × 0.25 ~ 0.4 mm; male mite is 0.2 ~

0.3 × 0.15 ~ 0.2mm. Short jaw, located in the front. Chelating limbs such as pliers, tip there

Denticles, cuticle tissue adapted to bite the host's skin. To be divided into three limbs. No eye and gas

door. The back of the body has horizontal wavy horizontal and into a series of scales-like leather thorn, the body half

There are pairs of rod bristles and long bristles. Ventral smooth, only a few bristles and 4 pairs of feet. Short enough

Crude, divided into 5 sections, was conical. The first two pairs of feet and the distance between the two pairs of feet larger,

The base of the foot has keratinization. Male and female mites before the end of the two pairs of feet have a long handle claw pad

, Said the suction pad (ambulacra). Feel sensitive part; after 2 pairs of feet at the end of male and female

In contrast, the females were long bristles, whereas the males had the fourth pair of feet with suction pads at their ends. Female mites production

Oviduct in the latter two pairs of feet in front of the center, was transverse crack. Male genital external genital position

Between the 4th pair of feet slightly behind. The anus of both are located in the middle of the body trailing edge. Scabies mites

Life history is divided into eggs, larvae, former nymphs, nymphs and adults after five. Spider mites parasitic

In the cuticle of human skin cuticle, feeding keratinous tissue, and its chelating limbs and foot section

The end of the claw in the skin to cut a parallel and body surface curved song tunnel, the female is here

The eggs laid in the tunnel are round or oval, light yellow, thin shell, the size of about 80 × 180 μ

m, after the output of 3 to 5 days after hatching larvae. Larvae 3 pairs, 2 pairs in front of the body

, 1 on the back of the body. The larvae still live in the original tunnel, or tunnel another tunnel, the 3 ~ 4

Days before the molting molder. Nymphs like adults, there are four pairs of feet, the former nymph genitalia not yet significant

Now, after about 2 days after molting into nymphs. Female post-nymph oviposition not yet fully developed

, But the vaginal orifice has formed, viable copulation. Nymph after 3 to 4 days after molting into

insect. Complete a generation of life history takes 8 to 17 days.
Spider mites mating is generally carried out on the surface of human skin at night, by the male adult and female

Nymphs completed. Most males die soon after mating; nymphs after mating in males 20

~ 30 minutes into the host skin, molting as females, 2 to 3 days in the tunnel

spawning. Can produce 2 to 4 eggs a day, a total of 40 to 50 eggs can be spawned throughout life, female mite life

Life is about 5 to 6 weeks. [1] living environment
Parasites: Scabies mites often parasitic on the human skin softer tender place, common in the inter-fingertips

, Wrist flexor side, elbow fossa, before and after armpit, groin, genitalia, under the breast;

However, children's whole body skin can be violated.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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