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矿泉水滋生军团菌病菌检测试剂: 胶体金技术具有方便快捷、特异敏感、稳定性强、不需要特殊设备和试剂、结果判断直观等优点, 因而特别适合于广大基层检验人员以及大批量检测和大面积普查等,需要了解更多产品可以咨询我们,本产品由广州健仑生物科技有限公司提供

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【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】    杨永汉 
【腾讯 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室




如果垂体瘤向后上生长压迫垂体柄或下丘脑,可致多饮多尿;如 果肿瘤向侧方生长侵犯海绵窦壁,则出现动眼神经或外展神经麻痹;如果肿瘤穿过鞍隔再向上 生长致额叶腹侧部,有时出现精神症状;如果肿瘤向后上生长阻塞第三脑室前部和室间孔,则出现头痛呕吐等颅内压增高症状;如果肿瘤向后生长,可压迫脑干致昏迷、瘫痪或去大脑强直等。
垂体是体内zui重要、zui复杂的内分泌腺。垂体呈椭圆形,位于颅中窝,交叉前沟后方的垂体窝内,借漏斗连于下丘脑。根据其发生和结构特点可分为腺垂体和神经垂体两大部分。腺垂体包括垂体前叶和中间部,是腺组织,具有制造贮存和分泌多种多肽激素的功能,对生长发育、新陈代谢、性的功能等均有调节作用,并能影响其他分泌腺的活动。神经垂体包括垂体的后叶和漏斗部或神经柄,它是下丘脑某些神经元的轴突部分,下丘脑神经细胞所产生的下丘脑-神经垂体激素便贮存于此,后叶分泌催产素和加压素有升高血压、刺激子宫收缩和抗利尿作用。远侧部(pars distalis)的腺细胞排列成团索状,少数围成小滤泡,细胞间具有丰富的窦状毛细血管和少量结缔组织。在HE染色切片中,依据腺细胞着色的差异,可将其分为嗜色细胞和嫌色细胞两大类。嗜色细胞(chromophil cell)又分为嗜酸性细胞和嗜碱性细胞两种。应用电镜免疫细胞病毒学技术,可观察到各种腺细胞均具有分泌蛋白类激素细胞的结构特点,而各类腺细胞胞质内颗粒的形态结构、数量及所含激素的性质存在差异,可以此区分各种分泌不同激素的细胞,并以所分泌的激素来命名。
Early pituitary adenomas often without visual field disorders. Such as tumor growth, stretching upward, oppression of the optic chiasm, there is a visual field defect, the upper quadrant was affected first, the red field first manifested. After the lesion increases, oppression heavier, the white field of vision is also affected, and gradually reduced to double temporal hemianopia. If not treated, visual field defects can be further expanded, and visual acuity also decreased, resulting in blind. Pituitary adenoma mostly benign, early lesions sustainable for quite a while, when the condition is serious, visual field disorders can be suddenly aggravated, if the tumor biased to one side, can cause monocular hemianopia or virus Ming.
Other neurological symptoms and signs
If the growth of pituitary tumor on the oppression of the pituitary stalk or the hypothalamus, can cause polyhydration; if the tumor side of the growth of cavernous sinus wall invasion, the emergence of oculomotor nerve or abducens nerve paralysis; if the tumor through the saddle and then Upward growth of the ventral lobes, and sometimes mental symptoms; if the growth of the tumor back obstruction of the front of the third ventricle and interventricular septum, there is headache and vomiting and other symptoms of increased intracranial pressure; if the tumor growth backward, oppression of the brain To coma, paralyzed or go to the brain and so on.
Pituitary is the body's most important and most complex endocrine glands. Pituitary was oval, located in the cranial fossa, cross before the ditch pituitary fossa, connected to the hypothalamus by the funnel. According to its occurrence and structural features can be divided into two parts of the pituitary and neurohypophysis. Pituitary gland, including the anterior pituitary and middle part of the pituitary gland, is a glandular tissue, with the manufacture and storage of secreted a variety of peptide hormones function, growth and metabolism, sexual function and so on have a regulatory role, and can affect the activity of other secretory glands. Nerve pituitary, including the posterior lobe of the pituitary and the funnel or nerve stem, which is part of the hypothalamic neuron axons, hypothalamic neurons in the hypothalamus - neurophysin pituitary hormone is stored here, the oxytocin secretion of the posterior lobe And vasopressin have elevated blood pressure, stimulate uterine contraction and antidiuretic effect. The glandular cells of the pars distalis were arranged in clusters, a few surrounded by small follicles, and the cells were rich in sinusoidal capillaries and a small amount of connective tissue. In HE-stained sections, according to the difference of glandular cells coloring, it can be divided into two kinds of color cells and chromophobe cells. Chromophil cells (chromophil cell) is divided into two kinds of eosinophils and basophils. Using electron microscopy immunocytokinetic techniques, we can observe a variety of glandular cells have secreted protein hormone cell structural features, and various types of glandular cells in the cytoplasm of the morphological structure of the number and the nature of the hormone contained differences can be distinguished A variety of secretion of different hormone cells, and the secretion of hormones to name.


广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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