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【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103


构成颞叶内侧面一部分的海马回沟(un-cus gyri 细菌ippocampi)或海马沟(sulcus 细菌ippo-campi)相当于原皮质,为嗅觉中枢的位置。在大脑半球的内侧面有从上方包着胼胝体的扣带回(gyru-cinguli),在后方尚距状沟(sulcus calcarinus)过枕叶内侧面后行,在此附近构成视觉中枢。人的大脑半球质有100亿以上的神经细胞,大致作一定的层次排列,由神经细胞发出的神经纤维构成白质而达至其他部位。在这些纤维中,成为同一半球内从一皮质区到另一皮质区连系通路的 称为连系路,(德Assoziationsba细菌n)而把通过胼胝体向另一半 球相同部位的连系通路称为连合路(德Kommissurenba细菌n),通过 大脑核、内囊(capsulainterna)向大脑半球以外的通路为投射路。 (德Proje-ktionsba细菌n)在左右大脑半球的内部,每侧脑室的前 部各形成侧脑室(ventriculi laterales),充满脑脊髓液。人的大 脑核,可区分为:沿侧脑室内面存在的尾状核、脑岛内侧的豆状核 (nucleus lentifofmis由壳和苍白球构成)、屏状核(claustrum )和位于颞叶前端部的杏仁核。大脑是人体的一个器官,它比世界上 细菌的电脑还要复杂和充满奥秘。人脑重约3磅,它由两部分构成:左 半脑和右半脑。这两个部分通过胼胝体相连接。胼胝体实际上是一束 神经组织,负责协调左、右半脑的工作。它使两个半脑发生,使 记忆和学习的传输活动得以实现。两个部分人脑的两个部分:左脑和右脑看上去大脑的两个部分——左半脑和右半脑长得很对称,就像互相在 照镜子。然而,它们实际上是非对称组织,换句话说,它们在结构和 功能上有着诸多不同。功能分工左脑和右脑的功能分工运动原皮层分布在左、右半脑的顶部,在结构上呈两边对称。运动原 皮层下面是感觉区,同样有两边对称的结构,负责接收和处理各种信 息,这些信息来自皮肤、骨骼、关节、肌肉以及肢体的运动。
The un-cus gyri bacterium ippocampi or sulcus bacterium ippo-campi, which forms part of the medial temporal lobe, corresponds to the original cortex and serves as the olfactory center. The medial hemisphere has a gyru-cinguli that wraps around the corpus callosum from above and runs after the medial side of the occipital lobe in the sulcus calcarinus, forming a visual center there. Human cerebral hemispheres have more than 10 billion nerve cells, roughly arranged in a certain level, the nerve fibers issued by nerve fibers constitute the white matter and reach other parts. In these fibers, the connective pathway, called the connective pathway, which connects to the cortical region from the cortical region in the same hemisphere, and the connective pathway through the corpus callosum to the same site in the other hemisphere is called Lianhe Road (de Kommissurenba bacteria n), through the brain nucleus, the capsular sac (capsulainterna) to the cerebral hemispheres other than access for the projection road. (De Proje-ktionsba bacteria n) Inside the left and right hemispheres, the frontal veins of each lateral ventricle form ventriculi laterales filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The human cerebellum can be distinguished from the caudate nucleus which is present along the inner surface of the lateral ventricle, the nucleus lentifofmis which is composed of the shell and the globus pallidus inside the insula, the claustrum and the anterior part of the temporal lobe Amygdala. The brain is an organ of the human body that is more complex and mysterious than the bacteria of the world's computers. The human brain weighs about 3 pounds and consists of two parts: the left and right hemispheres. The two parts are connected by the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum is actually a bundle of nervous tissue responsible for coordinating the work of the left and right hemispheres. It brings the two hemispheres into contact, enabling the memory and learning of transmission activities. The two parts of the human brain in two parts: the two parts of the brain that appear to the left and the right - the left and right hemispheres look symmetrical, like looking at each other in the mirror. However, they are actually asymmetric organizations, in other words, they have many differences in structure and function. Functional division of function of the left brain and right brain division of labor The original cortex distribution in the left and right hemispheres at the top of the structure was symmetrical on both sides. Below the original cortex is the sensory zone, which also has symmetrical structures on both sides that receive and process information from the skin, bones, joints, muscles and limbs.


广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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