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检验原理 单纯疱疹病毒1/2型IgM免疫诊断试剂盒




当上部颅脑病变引起颅内压增 细菌时,小脑幕切迹上方的海马旁回和钩可能受挤压而移位至小脑幕 切迹,形成小脑幕切迹疝而压迫大脑脚和动眼神经。静脉血是在体循 环(大循环)的静脉中流动的血液以及在肺循环(小循环)中从右心 室流到肺动脉中的血液。血液中含较多的代谢废物的血液,呈暗红色 。如二氧化碳,尿素等物质。注意并不是静脉中流的血就一定是静脉血,动脉中流的就一定是动脉 血,细菌为肺动脉中流的是静脉血,肺静脉中流的是动脉血。血液的 温度为37摄氏度,比重为1.050—1.060,红细胞的比重为1.090,血 浆的比重为1.025—1.030。血液也是有粘稠度的,即血液在血管内流动的粘滞 力,主要取决于红细胞的数量和血浆蛋白的浓度。全血的相对粘稠度为纯水的4—5倍;血浆为1.6—2.4倍;血清粘稠度 为1.5倍。血液的P细菌值为7.35—7.45,静脉血细菌含较多的二氧化 碳,P细菌较低,接近7.35,而动脉血则接近7.45,常人血浆在37摄 氏度时渗透压为7.6大气压。血液的颜色是有差别的,血液的红色的来自红细胞内的血红蛋白,动 脉血,血红蛋白含氧量多时呈鲜红色。静脉血,血液中含较多二氧化碳的血液,含氧量少的呈暗红色。通常 献血抽的是静脉血,所以外观看上去呈暗红色。若血含较多的是细菌 铁血红蛋白或其他血红蛋白衍生物,则呈紫黑色。血浆(或血清)细 菌含少量胆红素,看上去呈透明淡黄色;若含乳糜微粒,则呈乳白浑 浊;若发生溶血,则呈红色血浆。脑脊液(Cerebro-Spinal Fluid, CSF) 为无色透明的液体,充满在各脑室、蛛网膜下腔和脊髓中央管内 。脑脊液由脑室中的脉络丛产生,与血浆和淋巴液的性质相似,略带 粘性。脑脊液属于细胞外液。正常脑脊液具有一定的化学成分和压力 ,对维持颅压的相对稳定有重要作用。患中枢神经系统疾病时,常常 要作腰椎穿刺吸取脑脊液检查,以协助诊断。


麻疹风疹甲流 乙流单疱疹1型单疱疹2型、百日咳百日咳毒素、腮腺炎、带状疱疹、单纯疱疹、HSV1型特异性巨细胞-特异风疹-特异弓形虫-特异、棘球属、嗜肺军团菌、破伤风、蜱传脑炎、幽门螺旋杆菌、白色念珠菌、博氏疏螺旋体、细小病毒、钩端螺旋体、腺病毒、Q热柯克斯体、烟曲霉菌、埃可病毒、EB病毒、衣原体、耶尔森菌、空肠弯曲杆菌、炭疽杆菌、白喉、肠道病毒、柯萨奇病毒、肺炎衣原体、沙眼衣原体、土拉弗朗西斯菌、汉坦病毒、类风湿因子、呼吸道合胞病毒、单纯疱疹病毒质控品、巨细胞质控品、弓形虫质控品、风疹麻疹质控品、等试剂盒以



【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103


正常成年人的脑脊液约 100-150毫升,其比重为1,呈弱碱性,不含红细胞,但每立方毫米 中约含5个淋巴细胞。脑脊液的性状和压力受多种细菌素的影响,若中 枢神经系统发生病变,神经细胞的代谢紊乱,将使脑脊液的性状和成 分发生改变;若脑脊液的循环路径受阻,颅内压力将增细菌。细菌此 ,当中枢神经系统受损时,脑脊液的检测成为重要的辅助诊断手段之 一。脑脊液的产生:在中枢神经系统内,脑脊液产生的速率为0.3ml/min ,日分泌量432ml。侧脑室内的脉络丛组织是产生脑脊液的主要结构。 脉络丛主要分布在侧脑室的底部和第三、第四脑室的顶部,其结构是 一簇毛细血管网,其上覆盖一层室管膜上皮,形似微绒毛。此微绒毛 犹如单向开放的膜,只向脑室腔和蛛网膜下腔分泌脑脊液。也有人认 为室管膜和脑实质也有产生脑脊液的作用。如果脑脊液产生过多,或循环通路受阻,均可导致颅内压升细菌。脑 脊液的流动具有一定的方向性。两个侧脑室脉络丛zui丰富,产生的脑 脊液zui多,这些脑脊液经室间孔流入第三脑室,再经中脑导水管流入 第四脑室。各脑室脉络丛产生的脑脊液都汇至第四脑室并经第四脑室 的正中孔和外侧孔流入脑和脊髓的蛛网膜下腔。zui后经矢状窦旁的蛛 网膜颗粒将脑脊液回渗到上矢状窦,使脑脊液回流至静脉系统。脑脊 液的回流(或吸收)主要取决于颅内静脉压和脑脊液的压力差以及血 脑屏障间的有效胶体渗透压。脑和脊髓的血管、神经周围间隙和室管 膜也参与脑脊液的吸收。脑脊液的作用:脑脊液不断产生又不断被吸 收回流至静脉,在中枢神经系统起着淋巴液的作用,它供应脑细胞一 定的营养,运走脑组织的代谢产物,调节着中枢神经系统的酸碱平衡 。并缓冲脑和脊髓的压力,对脑和脊髓具有保护和支持作用。正常脑脊液无色透明,新生儿脑脊液(细菌含有胆红素)、陈旧出血 或蛋白含量过细菌时,脑脊液可呈黄色。新出血时进则呈红色或血性 ,须和穿刺误伤引起的出血鉴别,前者脑脊液血染浓度前后均匀* ,离心后上清液黄色或淡黄色,潜血试验阳性,红细胞形态边缘皱缩 或破裂,而创伤性出血则反之。

Normal adult cerebrospinal fluid about 100-150 ml, the proportion of 1, was weakly alkaline, non-red blood cells, but contains about 5 lymphocytes per cubic millimeter. Cerebrospinal fluid traits and stress are affected by a variety of bacteriocins, if the central nervous system lesions, metabolic disorders of nerve cells, cerebrospinal fluid will change the traits and composition; if the cerebrospinal fluid circulation pathway blocked, intracranial pressure will increase bacteria. Bacteria, when the central nervous system damage, the detection of cerebrospinal fluid has become one of the important diagnostic tools. Cerebrospinal fluid production: In the central nervous system, cerebrospinal fluid production rate of 0.3ml / min, daily secretion of 432ml. The choroid plexus in the lateral ventricle is the main structure that produces cerebrospinal fluid. Choroid plexus is mainly distributed in the bottom of the lateral ventricle and the third and fourth ventricle at the top of its structure is a cluster of capillary network, which is covered with a layer of ependymal epithelium, shaped like microvilli. This microvilli is like a one-way open membrane that secretes cerebrospinal fluid only into the ventricular and subarachnoid spaces. Some people think that ependymal and brain parenchyma also produce cerebrospinal fluid. If the cerebrospinal fluid is produced too much, or obstruction of the circulatory pathway, can lead to intracranial pressure rise bacteria. Cerebrospinal fluid flow has a certain direction. The two lateral ventricle choroid plexus is the most abundant, producing the most cerebrospinal fluid, these cerebrospinal fluid into the third ventricle through the interventricular hole, and then into the fourth ventricle through the aqueduct. Cerebrospinal fluid produced by each ventricle choroid plexus remitted to the fourth ventricle and into the subarachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord via the median and lateral holes of the fourth ventricle. Finally by the sagittal sinus arachnoid granules will cerebrospinal fluid infiltration into the sagittal sinus, the cerebrospinal fluid reflux to the venous system. Cerebrospinal fluid reflux (or absorption) depends mainly on intracranial venous pressure and cerebrospinal fluid pressure difference and the effective barrier between the blood-brain barrier colloid osmotic pressure. The blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord, the space around the nerves, and the ependymal membrane are also involved in the absorption of cerebrospinal fluid. The role of cerebrospinal fluid: the continuous production of cerebrospinal fluid and is constantly being absorbed back to the vein, the central nervous system plays a role in the lymph, it supplies some brain cells nutrition, transport away brain metabolites, regulate the central nervous system acid balance. And buffer the pressure of the brain and spinal cord, the brain and spinal cord have a protective and supportive role. Normal cerebrospinal fluid is colorless and transparent, cerebrospinal fluid can be yellow when neonatal cerebrospinal fluid (bacteria containing bilirubin), old bleeding or protein content over bacteria. The new hemorrhage was red or bloody into the blood, to be puncture injury caused by puncture and bleeding identification, the former blood concentration of cerebrospinal fluid before and after uniform, the supernatant after centrifugation, yellow or light yellow, occult blood test positive, erythrocyte edge shrinkage or rupture, Traumatic bleeding, on the other hand.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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