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EML4/ALK融合基因 t(2;2); inv(2) 探针




【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】    杨永汉 

【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室



 2016年,人类细胞图谱计划(HumanCell Atlas Project)被提出:根据*的分子信息(如基因表达)对所有人类细胞种类进行定义,并将这些信息与传统的细胞学表述(如位置和形态)相关联,来了解人体中的所有细胞的类型、每个细胞的空间位置、每个细胞在不同生命时刻的状态以及不同个体细胞图谱的叠加,并根据不同健康状态、基因型、生活方式和外界环境加以注释。

       2016年2月,10X Genomics公司推出大规模单细胞转录组测序系统——Chromium™ Single Cell 3' Solution,可以对高通量的数字基因表达的复杂细胞群进行深入分析,生命科学研究进入单细胞生物学时代。
       作为国内*家引进10X Genomics平台的公司,博奥晶典*推出了Chromium™ SingleCell 3' Solution平台服务,并完成了人和小鼠的肝脏、肺脏、皮肤、心脏、脑、肾脏、血液,以及植物叶片等多种类型样本的检测。

       Chromium™ Single Cell 3' Solution是一种在单个细胞水平对mRNA进行高通量测序的新技术,为单细胞转录组研究提供更具扩展性的平台。其基于10X Genomics平台,一次性能够分离500~10000个单细胞,并能够将分离的单个细胞中的微量mRNA通过高效扩增后再进行高通量测序,有效地解决了组织样本无法破解的细胞异质性难题,有助于发现新的细胞类型;并基于大量的单细胞基因表达数据,可进行细胞表达特征聚类、亚群表达特征、标志物筛选等方面的分析,是一种高效的细胞基因表达水平的检测技术,在生殖、免疫反应、干细胞发育与分化、肿瘤异质性、神经系统研究以及脑发育等研究领域中有着广泛的应用。

The British "nature" magazine recently "why researchers want to Chinese" as the author said, will overtake the us to become the world's largest investment in R & D Chinese in 2019. In the United States, both the Silicon Valley scientists and the postdoctoral graduate students will feel the impact of the development of China's science and technology.

Raymond Stevens, who has established 3 Biotech Corp at the University of Southern California, is now employed as director of a Research Institute at Shanghai University of science and technology. He believes that Chinese will be the next one to develop the most advanced countries, "from the cultural perspective, China attaches great importance to the development of science and technology, like the Americans like sports, I China on progress of science and technology of the curious, I want my 3 children are China life, looking forward to Chinese provide more opportunities for their day the development of". Today, Stevens works half a year in Shanghai.

The article holds that R & D investment is crucial to the stable development of China. At the same time, China's economic growth rate is slowing down, at the same time, it faces double pressures of rising labor costs and reducing labor force. China's strategy is to invest in funds to support the new format. By the end of 2016, business incubators all over China helped to set up more than 22 million start-ups. According to the McKinsey Co analysis, by 2025, the contribution rate of innovation to China's GDP will be as high as 50%. From designing new semiconductor, chemical products to the daily application of AI, China will rely on its expanding scientists and entrepreneurs to develop new products and put them on the market quickly.

All parts of China are building advanced research and development facilities and increasing the funding for scientific research in Colleges and universities.  Investment in human capital is the key to promoting innovation. China is energetically increasing the number of R & D personnel, increasing the number of R & D personnel from 48.5 current 10000 employees to 60.

Although China is still behind the West in some areas of innovation, China's efforts have been fruitful. According to the report of the 2017 global innovation index, China has exceeded Australia in the field of innovation, and the global ranking of innovation has risen to twenty-second. Perhaps more convincing is that in 2016, Chinese college students willing to open their own companies doubled over 2015.

Coincidentally, the American think-tank, the international economic research Pedersen, prior to the "Chinese dragon", "innovation the author said, since the reform and opening up in 1978, Chinese made a hitherto unknown achievement. China's annual average growth rate of 10% is 10%, changing the global trade pattern and becoming the second largest economy in the world. Now, China is facing unprecedented opportunities, that is, to become the "leader of the world" innovation.

The article holds that the foundation of the great changes in China is the unprecedented prosperity of the manufacturing industry. In 2016, China exported more than $2 trillion to all parts of the world, accounting for 13% of the world's total exports. At the same time, China has also promoted economic modernization through large-scale infrastructure investment, including bridges, airports, roads, energy and ecommunications. In less than 10 years, China has built the world's largest high-speed railway system. As of July 2017, the total mileage of China's high speed rail was over 22 thousand kilometers.

Apple Corp CEO Tim Cook recently said: "Chinese is no longer a state that low labor costs for many years ago, cheap labor is the cause of transnational enterprises in china." China's manufacturing forces are now developing high-end production technology and a powerful supply chain network. At the national level, China's planning has established the goal of making China an innovative country by 2020, entering the forefront of innovative countries by 2030, and becoming a "world technological innovation power" by 2050.  China is also planning to increase R & D expenditure to 2.5% of GDP.

At the local level, in order to promote innovation, many Chinese municipal governments have set up scientific and technological centers to attract talents. For example, the city of Guangzhou encourages researchers, entrepreneurs and enterprises to settle in the local area. Shenzhen is known as "hardware Silicon Valley", and Shenzhen - Hongkong area has ranked second in the world from the perspective of global innovation cluster development. At the folk level, the business model of Chinese enterprises has changed rapidly and accepted the digital model in an all-round way. Because of the absence of the old system, China has been able to achieve a "curve overtaking" in the fields of digital payment, sharing of economy and e-commerce.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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