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【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103室

他将四种神经活动类型描述为:(一)强、平衡而灵活的类型(多血质)这是一种健康、坚强、充满活力的神经活动类型。巴甫洛夫认为这是一种zui完善的类型,这种类型的人比其他类型的人能较好地与环境维持平衡。这种类型的人受刺激时活泼、灵敏,没有受刺激时倾向于昏沉。他们很容易建立抑制性条件反射。在不良的环境中,这种类型的人也难以出现神经性疾病。(二)强、平衡而不灵活的类型(粘液质)这种类型与前一种类型的特点一样,能够良好地适应环境。这种类型的个体兴奋过程和抑制过程都强,而且平衡,很容易建立阳性与阴性的条件反射,而且一旦建立就比较稳定不易改造。这是一种坚韧而行动迟缓的类型。由于神经过程不灵活,这种类型的个体很难适应快速变化的环境。这种类型的个体即使生活在不良的环境中,也很难出现神经性疾病。(三)强而不平衡的类型(胆汁质)这种类型的个体兴奋过程强于抑制过程,容易建立阳性条件反射,但很难建立阴性条件反射,在必要的情况下,也很难阻碍这种类型个体的活动。这是一种容易兴奋、不受约束的类型,所以也称为不可遏制型。在特定的要求个体有强的抑制的情境中,这种类型的个体倾向于抑郁和昏沉,或者产生难以遏制的行为或攻击性行为。(四)弱型(抑郁质)这种类型的个体需要特殊的环境才能生存,他们难以建立条件反射。这种类型的个体神经细胞很弱,所以正常强度的刺激也会引起他们的保护性抑制,在刺激作用下,会产生错乱,甚至衰竭。这种类型的个体常见于神经官能症,他们也很难对抑制性刺激作出反应。环境中的快速、经常性的变化会引起行为错乱。弱型具有一定的保护性。他们只有在特定的环境中生活才有价值。强、平衡而灵活的类型又称为活泼型;强、平衡而不灵活的类型又称为安静型;强而不平衡的类型又称为兴奋型;弱型又称为抑制型。从理论上讲可以组合成12种不同的高级神经活动类型,但是,有些类型在现实生活中是不存在的。例如,神经过程不平衡的人,不管他是兴奋过程占优势还是抑制过程占优势,两种神经过程之间的转化都是不灵活的。He described four types of neural activity as: (a) strong, balancedFlexible Type (Blood Quality) This is a healthy, strong, energetic nerve activity classtype. Pavlov believes this is one of the most perfect types of people of this type than the other typesOf people can maintain a good balance with the environment. This type of person is stimulating when lively, sensitive,When not stimulated tend to drowse. They are easy to establish inhibitory conditioned reflexes. BadEnvironment, this type of people are also hard to appear neurological diseases. (B) strong, balanced andInflexible type (mucinous) This type and the characteristics of the previous type, can be goodWell adapted to the environment. This type of individual excitement and suppression process are strong and balanced, It is easy to establish positive and negative conditioned reflex, and once established it is relatively stableTransformation. This is a tough and slow type. Because of the neural process is not flexible, thisTypes of individuals are difficult to adapt to rapidly changing environments. This type of individual lives even if notGood environment, it is difficult to appear neurological diseases. (C) strong and unbalanced type (gallJuice) This type of individual's excitement is stronger than the inhibitory process, making it easier to establish positive conditionsShoot, but difficult to establish negative conditional reflexes, and where necessary, it is hard to hinder this classType of individual activity. It's a type that's easy to get excited and uninhibited, so it's also called noContainment type. In specific situations where individuals are strongly inhibited, this type of individualTend to depression and drowsiness, or have unquenchable behavior or offensive behavior. (four)Weak (depressive) individuals of this type require special circumstances to survive and they are difficult to surviveEstablish conditioned reflexes. This type of individual nerve cells is very weak, so the normal intensity of stimulationWill also cause their protective inhibition, under the stimulus, will produce confusion, or even failure. This type of individual is common in neurosis and they are also hard to make for inhibitory stimulireaction. Rapid, recurrent changes in the environment can cause misconduct. Weak type has a certainProtective. They only have value in living in a particular environment. Strong, balanced and flexibleThe type is also known as lively type; strong, balanced and not flexible type is also known as quiet type; strongUnbalanced type is also known as excitement; weak type, also known as inhibitory. In theory, you can groupSynthesizes 12 different types of advanced neural activity, however, some types are in real lifenonexistent. For example, a person with an imbalanced nervous system, whether he is excited or not, predominatesIs to suppress the dominant process, the conversion between the two nerve processes are not flexible.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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