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【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103室

在系 统进化中,脑皮可分成三个阶段:古脑皮、原脑皮和新脑皮。在爬行 动物中*出现,并在哺乳动物中高度完善。新脑皮是由侧脑室外壁 的神经物质生长而成,并包围着初生脑皮层(原脑皮),原脑皮的残 余称为海马,在侧脑室内,仍为嗅觉中枢。大脑皮层由发达的新脑皮 层构成,它接受来自全身的各种感觉器传来的冲动,通过分析综合, 并根据已建立的神经而产生相应反映。人脑由大脑、小脑、间脑 、脑干组成。其中:大脑是中枢神经系统的部分,也是脑的主要部分 。分为左右两个大脑半球,二者由神经纤维构成的胼胝体相连。大脑 半球表面有许多弯弯曲曲的沟裂,称为脑沟,其间凸出的部分称为脑 回。这些脑沟、脑回就像一块皱拢起来的绸布,一旦展平,它的面积 像半张普通报纸大小,约2250平方厘米。脑干(brainstem)上承大 脑半球,下连脊髓,呈不规则的柱状形。经由脊髓传至脑的神经冲动 ,呈交叉方式进入:来自脊髓右边的冲动,先传至脑干的左边,然后 再送入大脑;来自脊髓左边者,先送入脑干的右边,再传到大脑。脑 干的功能主要是维持个体生命,包括心跳、呼吸、消化、体温、睡眠 等重要生理功能,均与脑干的功能有关。脑干部位又包括以下四个重 要构造:1.延髓(medulla)延髓居于脑的zui下部,与脊髓相连;其 主要功能为控制呼吸、心跳、消化等。2.脑桥(pons)脑桥位于中脑 与延髓之间。脑桥的白质神经纤维,通到小脑皮质,可将神经冲动自 小脑一半球传至另一半球,使之发挥协调身体两侧肌肉活动的功能。3 .中脑(midbrain)中脑位于脑桥之上,恰好是整个脑的中点。中脑 是视觉与听觉的反射中枢,凡是瞳孔、眼球、肌肉等活动,均受中脑 的控制。4.网状系统(reticular system)网状系统居于脑干的中 央,是由许多错综复杂的神经元集合而成的网状结构。网状系统的主 要功能是控制觉醒、注意、睡眠等不同层次的意识状态。
In the evolution of the system, the brain can be divided into three stages: ancient brain, the original brain and neocortex. First appeared in reptiles and highly refined in mammals. The new brain is formed by the growth of neural material in the lateral wall of the lateral ventricle and surrounds the nascent cortex (the original cerebral cortex). The remnants of the original brain, called the hippocampus, remain the olfactory center in the lateral ventricle. The cerebral cortex consists of a well-developed neocortex that receives impulses from various sensory organs throughout the body, analyzing the complex and responding to established neural connections. Human brain by the brain, cerebellum, diencephalon, brain stem composition. Among them: the brain is part of the central nervous system, but also the main part of the brain. Divided into two cerebral hemispheres, the two connected by the corpus callosum composed of nerve fibers. The surface of the cerebral hemispheres have many twists and turns of the crack, known as the sulci, during which the bulge is called the brain back. These sulci, brain back like a piece of silk up and down, once flattened, its area is like half the size of an ordinary newspaper, about 2250 square centimeters. Brainstem (brainstem) on the hemisphere, even under the spinal cord, was irregular columnar shape. From the spinal cord to the brain's nerve impulses, was crossed into: impulse from the right side of the spinal cord, the first spread to the left brain stem, and then into the brain; from the left spinal cord, the first sent to the right brain stem, and then spread to the brain . The main function of the brain stem is to maintain individual life, including heart, breath, digestion, body temperature, sleep and other important physiological functions, are related to the function of the brain stem. Brains include the following four important structures: 1. The medullla medulla occupies the lowermost part of the brain and connects with the spinal cord. Its main function is to control breathing, heartbeat, digestion and so on. 2. Pons The pons are located between the midbrain and medulla oblongata. Palar white matter nerve fibers, leading to the cerebellar cortex, the nerve impulse from the cerebellum hemispherical spread to the other hemisphere, so that it can play the role of coordination of muscle activity on both sides of the body. 3. Midbrain The midbrain, located above the pons, happens to be the midpoint of the entire brain. The brain is the visual and auditory reflex hub, all pupils, eyeballs, muscles and other activities, are subject to the control of the brain. 4. Reticular system The reticular system resides in the center of the brain stem and is a network of many intricate neurons. The main function of the mesh system is to control awakening, attention, sleep and other levels of consciousness.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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