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英文名称:Diagnostic Kit for NicotineColloidal Gold










【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司

【腾讯 】 2042552662
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全面而详细地绘制出大脑皮质的分工图,使人们不胜惊奇的是,人的运动和感觉功能在大脑皮质上的投射是倒置的,而且一些运动、感觉精细而灵巧的器官(如手和唇、舌等),比那些运动和感觉较简单而迟钝的部分(如躯干),在大脑皮质上投射的面积要大。紧接着,法国医生布洛卡发现,右半身瘫痪的病人常伴有失语,死后尸体解剖发现病人是左大脑半球额叶有病变;而左半身瘫痪的病人不伴有失语症,因此首先提出了“语言中枢”的概念,并把左半球称为“优势半球”。习惯用右手的人(占90%左右),所有有关语言活动,如阅读和书写、理解和命名、计算和推理等功能都在左大脑半球。那么,右大脑半球(非优势半球)是否趋向退化呢?这是一个很有意思的问题。从左右大脑两半球互相之间的来看,首先它们藉着一束强大的神经纤维(约含2亿条神经)——胼胝体相连,互相交流两半球的信息。这样既有分工又是一个整体。70年代,美国科学家斯佩里和同事们做了裂脑手术——切断胼胝,来治疗一些用药不能控制癫痫发作的病人,并做了许多非常精细的心理实验,结果发现大脑两半球有各自独立的功能。它们分别是:左大脑半球有语言、阅读、书写及逻辑、推理、计算的能力;右大脑半球则有图形、空间结构的构思能力,有音乐欣赏能力,及形成非言语性概念的能力。左大脑半球的思维活动是人类*的功能,由此可以说明人脑进化、发展的一侧化趋势,也提示人脑存在着巨大的潜力大脑 中枢神经系统的部分,也是脑的主要部分。分为左右两个大脑半球,二者由神经纤维构成的胼胝体相连。被覆在大脑半球表面的灰质叫大脑皮层。其中含有许多锥体形神经细胞和其它各型的神经细胞及神经纤维。皮质的深面是髓质,髓质内含有神经纤维束与核团。在髓质中,大脑内的室腔是侧脑室,内含透明的脑脊液。埋在髓质中的灰质核团是基底神经节。大脑半球的表面有许多深浅不同的沟裂(凸处为回,凹处为沟)。其中主要的有中央沟、大脑外侧裂、顶枕裂。人的大脑半球高度发展。成人的大脑皮质表面积约为1/4平方米,约含有140亿个神经元胞体,它们之间有广泛复杂的,是高级神经活动的中枢。

Drawing a comprehensive and detailed picture of the division of the cerebral cortex makes one amaze the fact that the projections of motor and sensory functions in the human brain are upside down and that some organs, such as hands and lips, that feel fine and dexterous , Tongue, etc.), projected larger areas of the cerebral cortex than those that are simpler and less sensitive to exercise and feel (such as the trunk). Then, the French doctor Broca found that patients with paralyzed right hemiplegia often accompanied by aphasia, post-mortem autopsy found that patients with lesions of the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere; and paralyzed left half of the patient is not associated with aphasia, and therefore first proposed The concept of "linguistic hub" is called, and the left hemisphere is called the "dominant hemisphere." Right-handed people (around 90%) use all the linguistic activities such as reading and writing, comprehension and naming, calculation and reasoning in the left hemisphere. So, right hemisphere (non-dominant hemisphere) is the trend of degradation? This is a very interesting question. Judging from the connection between the two hemispheres of the left and right brains, firstly, they communicate with each other by means of a bundle of powerful nerve fibers (about 200 million nerves) - the corpus callosum. This division of labor is both a whole. In the 1970s, American scientist Sperry and his colleagues did a split-brain surgery - cut off the corpus callosum to treat some patients who could not control seizures with medication and did many very fine psychological experiments. They found that the two hemispheres of the brain had their own independent Function They are: the left hemisphere with language, reading, writing and logic, reasoning, computing power; the right hemisphere is the graphics, spatial structure of the ability to think, have the ability to enjoy music, and the formation of non-verbal concepts. The thinking activity of the left hemisphere is a human-specific function, which can illustrate the one-sided trend of human brain evolution and development, and also indicates that there is a huge potential in the human brain. The brain central nervous system is also a major part of the brain. Divided into two cerebral hemispheres, the two connected by the corpus callosum composed of nerve fibers. The gray matter that covers the surface of the cerebral hemispheres is called the cerebral cortex. Which contains many pyramidal neurons and other types of nerve cells and nerve fibers. Cortical deep medulla, medulla contains nerve fiber bundles and nuclei. In the medulla, the interior of the brain is the lateral ventricle, which contains transparent cerebrospinal fluid. The gray matter nucleus buried in the medulla is the basal ganglia. The surface of the cerebral hemispheres have many shades of different shades (convex at the back, the recess for the ditch). The main central ditch, the lateral cerebral fissure, the top of the occipital crack.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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