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疟疾是经按蚊叮咬或输入带疟原虫者的血液而感染疟原虫所引起的虫媒传染病。检测疟原虫抗体和抗原对诊断疟疾有帮助,血液检测疟原虫试剂盒(快速胶体金法)由我司提供- 广州健仑生物科技有限公司为您提供服务!

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(  MOB:杨永汉)  




【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103




外侧膝状体是视觉通路上的转换站,它接受来自同 侧颞侧和对侧鼻侧视网膜的传入纤维;其投射纤维至视皮层。因此, 此类核是将机体所有特定的感觉冲动(除嗅觉外)传向大脑皮层特定 区域,具有点对点的投射关系,从而产生特定的感觉。外周感受器的 冲动,很多在丘脑水平合成或整合,然后再投射至特异皮层感觉区。 触觉、温觉和痛觉在丘脑水平以下,是分别独立存在的,但在丘脑以 上,这些感觉常融合在一起。因此,皮层与外周感受器不直接发生关 系,而是通过丘脑的整合。②大脑皮层中继核。包括前核、腹外侧核 及腹前核。此核接受来自特异皮层下结构的冲动,经转换后投射至定 位明确的皮层区。前核接受下丘脑zui大的传出纤维束。经前核转换后 再投射至扣带回。丘脑腹外侧核接受小脑、苍白球和黑质的传出纤维 ,转换后投射至中央前回运动皮层。此核是投射至运动皮层的主要皮 层下结构,会聚在此核的冲动必然深深影响大脑皮层的运动功能。腹 前核虽然接受来自苍白球和黑质网状核的投射,但仅部分神经元将冲 动转换后传入大脑皮层。腹前核与髓板内核及背内侧核有纤维连接, 因此,腹前核兼有特异和非特异丘脑核的特征。③联络核。主要包括 背内侧核(DM)、外侧背核(LD)、外侧后核(LP)及丘脑枕。这些 核很少接受上行来的直接投射纤维,而是接受大量的间脑其他核团的 纤维,更换神经元后再投射到大脑额叶、顶叶和颞叶皮层联络区。背 内侧核在灵长类和人类zui明显,在此核水平的躯体冲动常易受内脏活 动的影响 ,从而在皮层产生特殊的感觉。外侧背核和外侧后核主要接 受来自腹侧核的纤维,与复杂的躯体感觉联络机制有关。④髓板内核 。是丘脑的古老部分,包括中央中核、束旁核等 。这些核与大脑皮层 无直接,而是间接地通过多突触接替更换神经元,然后再弥散地 投射到整个大脑皮层。
The lateral geniculate body is a conversion station on the visual pathway that accepts afferent fibers from the ipsilateral temporal and contralateral nasal retina; it projects the fibers to the visual cortex. Therefore, this kind of nuclear is the body all the specific sensory impulse (except the sense of smell) to a specific area of ??the cerebral cortex, with a point-to-point projection relationship, resulting in a specific feeling. Peripheral receptors impulse, many in the thalamus synthesis or integration, and then projected to the special cortex sensory area. Tactile, warm sensory and pain in the thalamus below the level, are independent of each other, but above the thalamus, these feelings often together. Therefore, the cortex does not have a direct relationship with the peripheral receptors, but through the integration of the thalamus. ② cortex relay nucleus. Including the anterior nucleus, ventrolateral and anterior nucleus. The nucleus accepts an impulse from a specific subcortical structure that is converted and projected onto a well-located cortical area. The anterior nucleus accepts the largest hypothalamic efferent fiber bundle. After prenuclear conversion, it is projected to the cingulate. The ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus receives the cerebellum, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra fibers, which are converted and projected to the central frontal motor cortex. This nucleus is projected to the main subcortical structure of the motor cortex. The impulses converging on this nucleus must have a profound effect on the motor function of the cerebral cortex. Although the anterior ventral nucleus receives projections from the globus pallidus and the substantia nigra reticular nucleus, only some of the neurons impulse conversion into the cerebral cortex. The preoptic nucleus is fibrously connected to the inner medulla and the dorsolateral nucleus. Therefore, the pre-antecidenal nucleus features both specific and nonspecific thalamic nuclei. ③ contact nuclear. Mainly includes the dorsomedial nucleus (DM), the dorsal lateral (LD), the posterior lateral nucleus (LP) and the thalamic pillow. Rather than direct upstream fibers, the nuclei receive a large amount of fibers from other nuclei of the diencephalon. These nuclei replace neurons and then project into the frontal lobe, parietal lobe and temporal cortex contact area. The dorsal medial nucleus is most pronounced in primates and humans, where somatic impulses at the nuclear level are often susceptible to visceral activity and thus have a special sensation in the cortex. The lateral dorsal nucleus and the lateral posterior nucleus mainly receive fibers from the ventral nucleus and are associated with complex somatosensory liaison mechanisms. ④ pulp core. It is the ancient part of the thalamus, including the central nucleus and the parabrachial nucleus. Instead of being directly linked to the cerebral cortex, these nuclei indirectly replace the neurons by poly-synapses and then project diffusely throughout the cerebral cortex.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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