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( MOB:杨永汉)  









【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103



延髓与呼吸有关的神经元可分为两组:一部分集 中在孤束核的腹外侧部,叫做背侧呼吸组。孤束核区是吸气神经元(I )密集的部位(I中又分为Iα和Iβ两类神经元)。呼气神经元(E) 只占4~5 %。背侧组的吸气神经元发出轴突在闩前交叉,支配对侧隔 肌运动神经元;它是驱动腹侧呼吸组及脊髓膈肌运动神经元的呼吸节 律的发源部位。腹侧呼吸组的呼吸神经元在延髓腹外侧都,集中在疑 核和后疑核,从闩部前方迷走神经根水平向下延伸至*颈髓处,呈 纵向排列。疑核中有吸气及呼气两种神经元,轴突走行于同侧迷走神 经、舌咽神经中,支配咽部的辅助呼吸,在闩处交叉,与胸段脊髓肋 间外肌运动神经元发生,其中又有25 %与膈神经元有侧枝。 因之延髓呼吸神经元对呼吸肌的支配是对侧性的(见脑桥、呼吸)。 延髓对呼吸的调节除神经途径外,另一条是靠对血液中pH值和CO2 浓 度的变化的反应。延髓腹外侧的表浅部位有化学敏感细胞,叫做中枢 化学感受器,它们感受化学性刺激(特别是氢离子浓度的变化)。当 延髓局部CO2浓度增加或pH值下降时,这些神经细胞的膜电位下降或放 电频率增加。它们对脑脊液中氢离子浓度的变化也很敏感。CO2易通过 血脑屏障进入脑脊液,与化学敏感细胞周围的细胞液中的水分结合成 碳酸,再离解出氢离子,使脑脊液的氢离子浓度随之升高,从而刺激 延髓中枢化学感受器的敏感细胞,使呼吸增强;把过多的CO2及时排出 体外。髓鞘是包裹在神经细胞轴突外面的一层膜,即髓鞘由施旺细胞 和髓鞘细胞膜组成。其作用是绝缘,防止神经电冲动从神经元轴突传 递至另一神经元轴突。髓鞘一般只出现在脊椎动物以及一些桡脚类动 物的神经元轴突外围。目前研究注意髓鞘成分的抗原性,如:髓鞘碱 性蛋白(MBP)、髓鞘相关醣蛋白(MAG)、髓鞘少突胶质细胞醣蛋白 (MOG)等。髓鞘(myelin sheath)指包围有鞘神经纤维轴中间那层黄 色的就是髓鞘中间那层黄色的就是髓鞘索的管状外膜,由髓磷脂构成 ,故又称髓磷脂鞘。
The medulla oblongata and respiration-related neurons can be divided into two groups: one is concentrated in the ventrolateral part of the solitary nucleus, called the dorsal respiratory group. The solitary tract nucleus region is the site where inspiratory neurons (I) are dense (I is divided into two types of neurons: Iα and Iβ). Expiratory neurons (E) account for only 4 to 5%. The inspiratory neurons of the dorsal group emit axons that cross at the latch and govern the contralateral septal motoneurons; it is the site of origin of the respiratory rhythm that drives the ventral respiratory group and the dorsal moto motoneurons. In the ventral respiratory group, the respiratory neurons were located in the rostral ventrolateral medulla and concentrated in the skeletal and posterior suspected nucleus. The vagus nerve roots were located horizontally from the front of the latch to the first cervical cord. There are two kinds of neurons inspiration and exhalation in the suspected nucleus. The axon runs in the ipsilateral vagus nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, and the auxiliary breathing of the dominant pharynx. It intersects with the occipital spine and intercostal muscles of the thoracic spinal cord. In contact, 25% of them had collateral connections with the phrenic neurons. Because of the medullary respiratory neurons, the control of respiratory muscles is contralateral (see pons, breathing). The regulation of respiration by the bulbar medulla, in addition to the nerve pathway, is based on a response to changes in the pH and CO2 concentration in the blood. The superficial part of the rostral ventrolateral medulla has chemically sensitive cells called central chemoreceptors that sense chemical stimuli (especially changes in hydrogen ion concentration). When the CO2 concentration in the medulla oblongata increases or the pH value decreases, the membrane potential of these nerve cells decreases or the frequency of discharge increases. They are also sensitive to changes in the concentration of hydrogen ions in the cerebrospinal fluid. CO2 easily enters the cerebrospinal fluid through the blood-brain barrier, and combines with the water in the cytosol surrounding the chemically sensitive cells to form carbonic acid, and then dissociates hydrogen ions to increase the concentration of hydrogen ions in the cerebrospinal fluid, thereby stimulating sensitive cells in the medullary nucleus chemoreceptors. Enhance breathing; remove excess CO2 from the body in time. Myelin sheath is a membrane that wraps around the axon of nerve cells, ie myelin is composed of Schwann cells and myelin cell membranes. Its role is to insulate and prevent nerve electrical impulses from being transmitted from neuronal axons to axon of another neuron. Myelin sheaths usually only appear in the periphery of axons of vertebrates and some copepod-like neurons. At present, attention is paid to the antigenicity of myelin components, such as myelin basic protein (MBP), myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). Myelin sheath (myelin sheath) refers to the yellow layer that surrounds the middle layer of the sheath nerve fiber. The middle layer of yellow myelin sheath is the tubular outer membrane of myelin sheath. It is composed of myelin and is also called myelin sheath.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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