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( MOB:杨永汉)  











【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103



白质是中枢神经系统中主要 的三个组成元素之一,与灰质、黑质并列。大脑剖面中的白质组织是 由大量的髓磷脂(脂质)组成,在裸视观察下呈现白色。白质由被髓 鞘包覆着的神经轴突组成,控制着神经元共享的讯号,协调脑区之间 的正常运作。人类到了约二十岁时,白质才会在不同脑区逐渐发育完 全,而其生长的时机与成熟程度,会影响到学习、自我控制与精神疾 病,例如精神分裂、自闭症与病态性说谎,青少年的“年少轻狂”的 原因之一也是由于白质未发育*。神经元间轴突传输讯息的速度, 有髓鞘绝缘的要比没有髓鞘的快。寡突细胞制造的脂质,会缠绕轴突 10~150层。有许多因子可以刺激髓鞘的形成,例如星状细胞常会“监 听”轴突传送的讯号,并将化学讯息送达寡突细胞。脊髓白质(white  matter)在灰质的外周,可分前索、侧索、秋后索三个部分。其中有 上行1、红核red nucleus:位于中脑上丘平面的被盖部,呈圆柱状。 主要接受来自小脑和大脑皮质的传入纤维,并发出红核脊髓束,相互 交叉后到对侧,下行至脊髓。2、黑质substantia nigra:位于中脑 被盖和大脑脚底之间的板状灰质,延伸于中脑全长,可分为背侧的致 密部和腹侧的网状部。黑质的细胞内含黑色素,故呈黑色;同时还含 有多巴胺。多巴胺是一种神经递质,经其传出纤维释放到大脑的新纹 状体,临床上因黑质病变,多巴胺减少,可引起震颤麻痹。3、中缝核 (raphe nuclei)位于脑干中缝附近的狭窄区域内,可分成数个核团 总称为中缝核,包含5-羟色胺能神经元,其主要功能是产生神经元递 质——5-羟色胺。该递质与暴力、愤怒、冒险、攻击行为有关。5-羟 色胺神经元的激活具有抑制攻击行为的作用,与镇痛、睡眠有关。4、 下橄榄核(inferior olivary nucleus)广泛接受脊髓全长的上行 投射纤维和脑干感觉性中继核团的传入纤维;还接受来自大脑皮质、 基底核、中脑红核和中脑导水管周围灰质的下行投射纤维。
White matter is one of the three main components of the central nervous system, and it is closely associated with gray matter and substantia nigra. The white matter tissue in the brain section is composed of a large amount of myelin (lipid) and appears white under naked vision. The white matter consists of axons sheathed by myelin sheaths, which control the signals shared by neurons and coordinate the normal operation between brain regions. When humans reach about twenty years of age, white matter will gradually develop in different brain areas. The timing and maturity of growth will affect learning, self-control, and mental illness, such as schizophrenia, autism, and morbidity. One of the reasons why teenagers are "young and frivolous" is because white matter is not fully developed. The speed at which axons between neurons transmit messages is more rapid than that without myelination. The lipids produced by oligodendrocytes will wrap around 10 to 150 layers of axons. There are many factors that can stimulate the formation of myelin. For example, slate cells often “listen” to monitor axonal signals and send chemical messages to oligodendrocytes. The white matter on the periphery of gray matter can be divided into three parts: anterior cord, lateral cord, and posterior cord. Among them are the upstream 1 and red core nucleus: the capped part of the midbrain plane, which is cylindrical. It mainly receives afferent fibers from the cerebellum and cerebral cortex and emits a red nucleus spinal bundle that crosses to the opposite side and descends to the spinal cord. 2. Substantia nigra: The plate-like gray matter located between the lid of the midbrain and the sole of the brain. It extends over the entire length of the midbrain and can be divided into the dorsal dense part and the ventral part of the reticular formation. The cells of the substantia nigra contain melanin and are therefore black; they also contain dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is released into the new striatum of the brain through its outgoing fibers. Clinically, because of substantia nigra lesions, dopamine decreases and can cause paralysis of paralysis. 3. Raphe nuclei is located in a narrow region near the midbrain of the brain stem and can be divided into several nuclei. It is called the nucleus raphe magnus and contains serotonergic neurons. Its main function is to produce neurotransmitters. 5- Serotonin. The transmitter is related to violence, anger, adventure, and aggressive behavior. The activation of 5-hydroxytryptamine neurons has the effect of inhibiting aggressive behavior and is associated with analgesia and sleep. 4. Inferior olivary nucleus widely accepts both full-length spinal cord projection fibers and afferent fibers of the brainstem sensory relay nuclei; it also receives afferents from the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, midbrain red nucleus, and midbrain Downcast projection of grey matter around the water pipe.

In vertebrates above fish, myelin appears later in the individual's growth and development; while humans have already formed myelin at birth, they may vary with different types of nerves. The structure of myelin sheaths was examined by a polarizing microscope. Lipids were arranged radially outward from the center of the axon, and the proteins formed concentric circles. It is generally assumed that proteins and fats are arranged in layers. According to x-ray diffraction, the period of this layer is known to be 17-18 nanometers on fresh materials and 13-15 nanometers on fixed materials. Further examination with an electron microscope, the concentric layered structure and its cycle have been confirmed. That is, a layer with a high electron density and a transparent layer are aligned with each other. The former has a width of 3.5-5 nm and is generally regarded as a protein layer, and the latter is considered as a lipid layer. Myelin proteins are mainly hard proteins such as gelatin, and lipids include phospholipids (lecithin, cephalin, sphingomyelin, etc.), glycolipids, and cholesterol. Myelin coats the axons with Schwann cell membranes and the number of layers is not known. The myelin sheath is absent at some discontinuities, and this part is called Langer's strangulation (Lang's fly's knot), and an interannular segment between the two strangulations. The length of the internodal joint is in the range of 50-1000 μm, and varies in length. Generally, the thicker the nerve fibers are, the longer the length is. In addition, it is clear that the Langer's strangulation exists not only in the peripheral nervous system but also in the central nervous system. If silver nitrate is used for dyeing, blackening occurs in the plane transverse to the strangulation section, and many darkening stripes appear from the strangulation to the axons on both sides. Cross (Ranvier's cross). In many parts of the myelin sheath, there is a funnel-shaped Schmidt-Lantermann' scleft that falls into the axon from the outer surface of the sheath, and a spiral along this notch. The Golgi funnel (German Golgischer Trichter) was constructed, but these structures only appeared in elongated nerve fibers or were immersed in saline, so it is generally considered an artifact. White matter is one of the three major components of the central nervous system. In the central region, axons or long dendrites of neurons accumulate. It does not contain only neurons in the cell body. White matter has nerve bundles of various functions. The gray matter is on the outside and the white matter is on the inside. In the spinal cord, inside the gray matter, white matter surrounds the gray matter.


广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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