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( MOB:杨永汉)  









【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103



④迷走神经背核nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi:位 于延髓迷走神经三角深面,舌下神经核的外侧,由此核发出的纤维加 入迷走神经,支配颈部、胸腔和腹腔大部分脏器的活动。胼胝体是哺 乳类真兽亚纲的*结构,位于大脑半球纵裂的底部,连接左右两侧 大脑半球的横行神经纤维束,是大脑半球中zui大的连合纤维。这些神 经纤维在两半球中间形成弧形板,其后端叫压部,中间叫体,前方弯 曲部叫膝,膝向下弯曲变簿叫嘴。组成胼胝体的纤维向两半球内部的 前、后、左、右辐射,连系额、顶、枕、颞叶,其下面构成侧脑室顶 。人和大多数哺乳动物的胼胝体都属于大脑的髓质。两侧大脑皮层之 间有许多连合纤维,在哺乳类动物中zui大的连合纤维结构是胼胝体; 进化愈高等则胼胝体愈发达,人类的胼胝体估计含有100万根纤维。有 人观察到,当在犬的身体一侧皮肤上给予刺激,并与食物或酸防御性 唾液分泌反射相结合形成条件反射后,则另一侧皮肤相应部位的机械 刺激也自然具有阳性的条件反射效应。如果事先将该动物的胼胝体切 断,则这种现象就不能出现。还有人事先切断猫视交叉的交叉纤维, 使一侧眼睛的视网膜传入冲动仅向同侧皮层投射,然后将动物一眼蒙 蔽,用另一只眼睛学习对图案的鉴别能力;待其学会后将该眼蒙蔽, 测定先前被蒙蔽眼的图案鉴别能力,见到先前被蒙蔽的眼也能具有这 种鉴别能力。如果事先切断这个动物的胼胝体,则这种现象就不能出 现。由此看来,两侧大脑皮层的感觉分析功能是相关的,胼胝体连合 纤维能将一侧皮层的活动向另一侧转送。电生理研究指出,刺激对侧 皮层对应点可以加强这一侧皮层的感觉传入冲动的诱发电门,起着易 化作用。这一易化作用是通过胼胝体连合纤维完成的,因为这类纤维 主要两侧皮层相对应的部位。
4 Nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi in the dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve: Located on the deep side of the medulla vagus triangle, lateral to the hypoglossal nucleus, and the nucleus sends fibers into the vagus nerve that govern the activities of most organs in the neck, chest, and abdomen. The corpus callosum is a unique structure of mammalian subfamilies. It is located at the bottom of the longitudinal half of the cerebral hemisphere and connects the transverse nerve fiber bundles of the right and left hemispheres. It is the largest commissural fiber in the cerebral hemisphere. These nerve fibers form a curved plate in the middle of the two hemispheres. The back end of the nerve fiber is called the compression part. The middle part is called the body. The front curve part is called the knee, and the knee bends down and becomes the mouth. The fibers that make up the corpus callosum radiate to the front, back, left, and right of the interior of the two hemispheres, linking the frontal, apical, occipital, and temporal lobes to form the lateral ventricle crest. The carcasses of humans and most mammals belong to the medulla of the brain. There are many commissural fibers between the cerebral cortex, and the largest commissural fiber structure in mammals is the corpus callosum; the higher the evolution, the greater the development of the corpus callosum. Human corpus callosum is estimated to contain 1 million fibers. It has been observed that when a stimulus is given on the skin of a dog's body and a conditioned reflex is formed in combination with food or a defensive salivation reflex of acid, then the mechanical stimulation of the corresponding part of the skin on the other side also naturally has a positive conditioned reflex. effect. If the carcass of the animal is cut off in advance, this phenomenon cannot occur. Others cut off the cross fibers of the cat's optic chiasm in advance, causing the retinal afferent impulses of one eye to project only on the same side of the cortex, then blinding the animal and learning the ability to discriminate the pattern with the other eye; The eye was blinded and measured the pattern recognition ability of previously blinded eyes, and the ability to discriminate against previously blinded eyes was also seen. If the carcass of the animal is severed in advance, this phenomenon cannot occur. From this point of view, the sensory analysis functions of the two cerebral cortices are related, and the corpus callosum fibers transfer the activity of one side of the cortex to the other side. Electrophysiological studies indicate that stimulating the corresponding points of the contralateral cortex can enhance the evoked potential of the sensory afferent impulses in this side of the cortex and play an anaphylactic role. This facilitation is accomplished through the use of steroidal fibers because these fibers are primarily associated with the corresponding sites on both sides of the cortex.


广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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