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( MOB:杨永汉)  








【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103



假单极神经元的中枢突组成 后根入脊髓;周围突加入脊神经,分布于皮肤、肌、关节以及内脏的 感受器等,将躯体与内脏的感觉冲动传向中枢。运动纤维由脊髓灰质 的前角、胸腰部侧角和骶副交感核运动神经元的轴突组成,分布于横 纹肌、平滑肌和腺体。因此,根据脊神经的分布和功能,可将其组成 的纤维成份分为四类:communlcatlnu brancn 为连于脊神经与交感 干之间的细支。其中发自脊神经连至交感干的叫白交通支;而来自交 感干连于每条脊神经的叫灰交通支(点击内脏神经了解)。后支 posterior branch较细,是混合性的,经相邻椎骨横突之间向后行走 (骶部的出骶后孔),都有肌支和皮支分布于项、背及腰骰部深层的 肌和枕、项、背、腰、臀部的皮肤,其分布有明显的节段性。其中, 第2颈神经后支的皮支粗大,称枕大神经,穿斜方肌腱至皮下,分布于 枕和项部的皮肤。腰神经后支分为内侧支和外侧支。内侧支细小,经 横突下方向后,分布于腰椎棘突附近的短肌与长肌。在腰椎骨质增生 病人,可因横突附近软组织骨化,压迫此支而引起腰痛。第1—3腰神 经后支的外侧支较粗大,分布于臀上区的皮肤,称臀上皮神经。第l~ 3骶神经后支的皮支分布于臀中区的皮肤称臀中皮神经。前支 anterior branch 粗大,是混合性的,分布于躯干前外侧和四肢的肌 和皮肤。在人类,胸神经前支保持着明显的节段性,其余的前支分别 交织成丛,由丛再分支分布于相应的区域。脊神经前支形成的丛计有 :颈丛、腰丛和骶丛等。脊神经共31对,计有颈神经8对,胸神经12对 ,腰神经5对,骶神经5对,尾神经1对。1.脊神经由与脊髓相连的前 根anteriorroot和后根posterior root在椎间孔合并而成。前根属 运动性,由位于脊髓灰质前角和侧角(侧角位一C8—L3节段)及骶髓 副交感核(S2-4)的运动神经元轴突组成。后根属感觉性,由脊神经 节内假单极神经元的中枢突组成。脊神经节是后根在椎间孔处的膨大 部,为感觉性神经节,主要由假单极神经元胞体组成。
The central axons of pseudo-unipolar neurons form the posterior root into the spinal cord; peripheral processes incorporate spinal nerves distributed in the receptors of the skin, muscles, joints, and internal organs, and transmit the sensory impulses of the body and internal organs to the center. The motor fibers are composed of axons of sympathetic nuclear motoneurons in the anterior horn of the gray matter of the spinal cord, the thoracic-lumbar flank, and the sacral paralysis, and are distributed in the striated muscle, smooth muscle, and glands. Therefore, according to the distribution and function of the spinal nerves, the composition of the fibers can be divided into four categories: communlcatlnu brancn is a fine branch connected between the spinal nerve and the sympathetic trunk. Among them, the white traffic branch from the spinal nerves to the sympathetic trunk, and the grey traffic branch from the spinal nerves (click to know the visceral nerves). The posterior branch of the posterior branch is relatively thin and mixed. After walking backwards between the transverse processes of the adjacent vertebrae (the posterior orifice of the orbital part), the posterior branch has musculoskeletal and cutaneous branches distributed on the back of the dorsum and lumbosacral region. The muscles and pillows, items, back, waist, and buttocks have distinct segmental distribution. Among them, the posterior branch of the second cervical nerve has a large branch of the cutaneous pedicle, which is called the occipital major nerve, and is worn through the trapezius tendon to the skin and is distributed on the skin of the pillow and the head. The posterior branch of the lumbar nerve divides into medial and lateral branches. The medial branch is small, and it is distributed in the short and long muscles near the spinous process of the lumbar spine after the transverse process. In patients with lumbar bone hyperplasia, soft tissue ossification near the transverse process can cause compression of this branch and cause low back pain. The lateral branch of the posterior branch of the 1st-3rd lumbar nerve is thicker and is distributed on the skin in the upper hip region, and is called the gluteal epithelial nerve. The cutaneous branches of the posterior branch of the first to the third sacral nerves are distributed in the skin of the hip mid region and are called the buttocks of the buttocks. The anterior branch of the anterior branch is thick, mixed, and is distributed on the anterior and lateral sides of the trunk and the muscles and skin of the extremities. In humans, the anterior branch of the thoracic nerve maintains a distinct segmental nature, and the remaining anterior branches are interwoven into bundles, which are distributed in the corresponding regions. The plexus formed by the anterior branch of the spinal nerve includes: cervical plexus, lumbar plexus, and plexus plexus. There were 31 pairs of spinal nerves, including 8 pairs of cervical nerves, 12 pairs of thoracic nerves, 5 pairs of lumbar nerves, 5 pairs of phrenic nerves, and 1 pair of caudal nerves. 1. Spinal nerves are formed by combining the anteriorroot anterior root and the posterior root posterior root connected to the spinal cord. Primogenous genus is motility, consisting of axons of motor neurons located at the anterior horn and lateral angles of the spinal gray matter (side C8-L3 segment) and parasympathetic nucleus (S2-4). The posterior root is sensory, consisting of central projections of pseudounipolar neurons in the spinal ganglion. The dorsal root ganglion is the enlarged part of the posterior root at the foramen, which is the sensory ganglion and is mainly composed of pseudounipolar neuronal soma.


广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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