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型    号: SIFIN
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( MOB:杨永汉)  








【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103



Spinal nerves are divided into anterior and posterior branches immediay after they pass out of the intervertebral foramen. In addition, the spinal nerve divides a very small spina bifida, returns to the spinal canal through the intervertebral foramen, and is distributed in the spinal cord membrane. The posterior branch of the spinal nerve is usually smaller, distributed in segments, back, waist, deep muscles of the chin and skin. The anterior branch of the spinal nerve is thick and is distributed on the skin and muscles of the anterior flank of the trunk and limbs. In addition to the obvious segmental nature of the anterior branch of the thoracic nerve in humans, the frontal branches of the remaining spinal nerves are interwoven into a clump and then branched again. The plexus formed by the anterior branch of the spinal nerve includes the cervical plexus, brachial plexus, lumbar plexus, and plexus plexus. 2. The cervical plexus consists of the anterior branch of the 1-4 cervical nerve. It sends out cutaneous and muscular branches. The cutaneous branches are distributed to the skin of the anterior cervical region; the musculoskeletal branches are distributed in the muscles of the neck (the deep neck muscles), the hyoid bones, and the levator scapulae; the most important of these is the phrenicnerve of the phrenic nerve, which is a mixed nerve. The anterior branches of the 3-5 neck nerves are emitted. The following passes through the thoracic cavity to the diaphragm muscles, which mainly govern the movement of the diaphragm muscles and the pericardium, part of the pleura and peritoneum. 3. The brachial plexus plexus consists of the major part of the anterior branch of the 5-8th cervical nerve and the anterior branch of the 1st thoracic nerve. It is located at the base of the neck, and the posterior subclavian artery enters the popliteal fossa through the space between the scalene and the clavicle. During the interweaving of several times, it can be divided into four segments: root, stem, strand and bundle, and many branches are issued. Three bundles are formed in the axillary and brachial plexus, namely the lateral bundle, the medial bundle, and the posterior bundle, which surround the iliac artery. The branches of the brachial plexus are numerous and its main branches are as follows: (i) The musculocutaneous nerve of the musculocutaneous nerve is emitted from the lateral bundle and dominates the skin of the anterior arm and the forearm. (b) The median nerve of the medial and lateral bundles sends a composite that dominates most of the forearm anterior muscles, the three fingers of the hand and the foreface of the hand and the temporal surface of the palm. (C) The ulnar nerve of the ulnar nerve is radiated from the medial bundle, dominates the small part of the muscles on the ulnar side of the forearm, the majority of the intercalator muscle and the hand muscle, and the ulnar side of the palm and the ulnar side of the hand. Two and a half fingers skin. (4) Radial nerves originate from the posterior beam, the dorsal arm of the dominating arm and the forearm, the skin on the dorsal aspect of the forearm, and the two half-fingered skins on the temporal side of the back of the hand. (E) The sacral nerve axillary nerve is emitted from the posterior bundle and dominates the skin of the deltoid, circinate and deltoid regions and the lateral side of the arm. 4. A total of 12 pairs of anterior thoracic nerve branches, of which the first 1-11 pairs of the anterior thoracic nerve in the corresponding intercostal space, known as the intercostal nerve intercostalnerve; the 12th pair of thoracic nerve anterior branch in the 12th inferior rib, called subcostal nerve subcostal Nerve.


广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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