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衣原体 (LPS)间接免疫荧光检测试剂

衣原体 (LPS)间接免疫荧光检测试剂

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Cellabs是一家拥有*生物技术的公司,其总部设在澳大利亚的悉尼。从事销售、研发和生产热带传染病免疫诊断试剂。衣原体 (LPS)间接免疫荧光检测试剂广州健仑生物科技有限公司提供服务!

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衣原体 (LPS)间接免疫荧光检测试剂


广州健仑长期供应各种生物原料,主要代理品牌:美国Seracare、西班牙Certest、美国Fuller、美国NOVABIOS、 Cellabs等等。


衣原体 (LPS)间接免疫荧光检测试剂
    该公司的Crypto/Giardia Cel IFA是国标*推荐的两虫检测IFA染色试剂、Crypto Cel Antibody Reagent是UK DWI水质安全评估检测的*抗体。



衣原体 (LPS)间接免疫荧光检测试剂我司还提供其它进口或国产试剂盒:登革热、疟疾、流感、A链球菌、合胞病毒、腮病毒、乙脑、寨卡、黄热病、基孔肯雅热、克锥虫病、违禁品滥用、肺炎球菌、军团菌、化妆品检测、食品安全检测等试剂盒以及日本生研细菌分型诊断血清、德国SiFin诊断血清、丹麦SSI诊断血清等产品。








免疫荧光试剂盒(IFA kit)


Crypto Cel


50 Test


Crypto/Giardia Cel

隐孢子虫&贾第虫(Cryptosporidium & Giardia)间接免疫荧光检测试剂

50 Test


Giardia Cel


50 Test


Chlamydia Cel

沙眼衣原体(Chlamydia trachomatis)间接免疫荧光检测试剂

50 Test


Chlamydia Cel LPS

衣原体 lipopolysaccharide (LPS)间接免疫荧光检测试剂

50 Test


Chlamydia Cel Pn

肺炎衣原体(Chlamydia pneumoniae)间接免疫荧光检测试剂

50 Test


Pneumo Cel

卡氏肺孢子虫(Pneumocystis carinii)间接免疫荧光检测试剂

50 Test


Pneumo Cel Indirect

卡氏肺孢子虫( Pneumocystis carinii)间接免疫荧光检测试剂

50 Test

酶免试剂盒 ELISA kit


Giardia CELISA

贾第虫(Giardia)ELISA kit

96 Test


Entamoeba CELISA Path

溶组织内阿米巴(Entamoeba histolytica) ELISA kit

96 Test

KF1 & KF2

Filariasis CELISA

班氏丝虫(Wuchereria bancrofti ) ELISA kit



Malaria Antigen (HRP2) CELISA

恶性疟原虫(Plasmodium falciparum) 抗原 ELISA kit

192 Test


Pan Malaria Antibody CELISA

间日、三日、恶性及卵形疟疾(Malaria)ELISA IgG kit

192 Test


T. cruzi IgG CELISA

克氏锥虫(Trypanosoma cruzi) ELISA IgG kit

192 Test


Toxocara IgG CELISA

弓首线虫(Toxocara canis) ELISA IgG kit

192 Test


Filariasis Ab (Bm14) CELISA

淋巴丝虫病(lymphatic filariasis) ELISA IgG kit

480 Test


Quantimal™ pLDH Malaria CELISA

疟疾pLDH抗体检测 ELISA kit

96 Test



【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】    杨永汉 
【腾讯 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室


这里生活着几种南、北温带均可见到的动物类群,如 海豹、海狗、鲸以及刀鱼、小鳁鱼、鰯鱼、鲨鱼等。冬季有南方的海洋动物在此越冬,夏季有热带海洋动物前来肥育。在非 洲大陆西南和南美洲秘鲁沿海,因有上升流存在,把深层海水中丰富的营养盐类和有机物质带到海水表层,使浮游生物 大量繁殖,因而鱼类非常丰富,成为南半球重要的捕捞区。
(7)南极带。大体在南纬60°以南到南极大陆之间。全年盛行来自极地的东南风 ,水温很低。冬季严寒,夏季zui热月2月平均温在0℃以下。年降水量100~250毫米。在短促的夏季,有 温带的回游鱼类来此肥育;南极海域有丰富的磷虾作为饵料,故有较多的鲸类;此外还有海豹、海狗、 海驴和企鹅等一些鸟类。它和北极带一样,生物种类较少,但个别种(如硅藻、磷虾和企鹅等)的数量很多。
20世纪70年代后期以来,苏联学者博格达诺夫(D·V·Bogdanov)等对海洋自然带作 进一步详细划分,从南、北极带中划分出亚南极带与亚北极带,从南、北热带中划分出南亚热带和北亚热带,zui终将世界海洋划分为11个自然带,每个带同陆地上的自然带相对应。      
此外,患者常伴有静止性震颤,此种震颤多见于上肢(尤 其是手部),其次是下肢及头部;震颤节律每秒约4~6次,静止时出 现,情绪激动时增强,进行自主运动时减少,入睡后停止。关于震颤 麻痹的产生原因,目前已有较多的了解。近年来,通过对中枢神经递 质的研究,已明确中脑黑质是多巴胺能神经元存在的主要部位,其纤 维上行可抵达纹状体。震颤麻痹患者的病理研究证明,其 黑质具有病变,同时脑内多巴胺含量明显下降。在动物中,如用药物 (利血平)使儿茶酚胺(包括多巴胺)耗竭,则动物会出现类似震颤 麻痹的症状;如进一步给予左旋多巴(为多巴胺之前体,能通过血脑 屏障进入中枢神经系统)治疗,使体内多巴胺合成增加,则症状缓解 。由此说明,中脑黑质的多巴胺能神经元功能被破坏,是震颤麻痹的 主要原因。
There are several animal species that can be seen in the northern and southern temperate zones, such as seals, seals, whales, saury, small squid, squid, and sharks. In winter, there are marine animals in the south overwintering here. In the summer, tropical sea animals come to fatten. In the southwestern part of the African continent and on the Peruvian coast of South America, due to the presence of upwelling, the rich nutrients and organic matter in the deep seawater are brought to the surface of seawater, resulting in the proliferation of plankton, and thus the abundance of fish, making it an important catch in the southern hemisphere. Area.
(7) Antarctic belt. It is generally between the south latitude 60° and the Antarctic continent. The southeast wind from the polar region prevailed throughout the year and the water temperature was very low. Winter is cold, and the hottest month in summer is below 0°C. The annual precipitation is 100-250 mm. In the short summer, there are temperate migrating fish to fatten here; Antarctic waters are rich in krill as bait, so there are more cetaceans; in addition there are seals, seals, sea donkeys and penguins and some other birds. Like the Arctic, it has fewer species, but there are many species (such as diatoms, krill, and penguins).
Since the late 1970s, the Soviet scholar D.V. Bogdanov has made further detailed divisions of the natural belts of the sea. From the south and the north, the sub-Antarctic and sub-Arctic belts have been divided. In the northern tropics, the south subtropics and the north subtropics are divided, and the world's oceans are eventually divided into 11 natural belts, each of which corresponds to the natural belt on land.
In addition, patients often accompanied by resting tremors, such tremors more common in the upper extremity (especially the hand), followed by the lower extremities and head; tremor rhythm about 4 to 6 times per second, appears at rest, when emotionally enhanced, Decrease when exercising voluntarily, stop after falling asleep. There is more understanding about the causes of tremors and paralysis. In recent years, through the study of the central nervous system, it has been confirmed that the substantia nigra is the main part of dopaminergic neurons, and the fibers can reach the striatum ascended (Figure 11-16). Pathological studies in patients with paralysis of paralysis demonstrated that the substantia nigra had lesions and that the content of dopamine in the brain decreased significantly. In animals, if the catecholamines (including dopamine) are depleted with drugs (reserpine), the animals will experience symptoms similar to paralysis; for example, if levodopa is further administered, it can pass through the blood-brain barrier and enter the central nervous system. Systemic) treatment, so that the synthesis of dopamine in the body, the symptoms are relieved. This shows that the function of the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra is destroyed, which is the main reason for the tremor. It has long been known that patients with tremor paralysis can be treated with M-type cholinergic receptor blockers ( scopolamine and benzopyrine), suggesting that the occurrence of tremor paralysis is also related to changes in the function of acetylcholine transmitters. In the process of destructive surgery for paralysis of palsy patients, if acetylcholine is injected directly into the globus pallidus, the symptoms of the contralateral limbs will be exacerbated, while the injection of the M-type receptor blockers will be symptomatic.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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