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悉尼隐孢子虫酶联免疫法ELISA检测试剂 我司还提供其它进口或国产试剂盒:登革热、疟疾、流感、A链球菌、合胞病毒、腮病毒、乙脑、寨卡、黄热病、基孔肯雅热、克锥虫病、违禁品滥用、肺炎球菌、军团菌、化妆品检测、食品安全检测等试剂盒以及日本生研细菌分型诊断血清、德国SiFin诊断血清、丹麦SSI诊断血清等产品。



公司的主要产品有:隐孢子虫诊断试剂,贾第虫诊断试剂,疟疾诊断试剂,衣原体检测试剂,丝虫诊断试剂,锥虫诊断试剂等。Cellabs 的疟疾ELISA试剂盒成为临床上的一个重要的诊断工具盒科研上的重要鉴定工具。其疟疾抗原HRP-2 ELISA检测试剂盒和疟疾抗体ELISA检测试剂盒已经成为医学研究所的*试剂盒。Cellabs产品主要包括以下几种方法学:直接(DFA)和间接(IFA)免疫荧光法,酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA),和胶体金快速测试。所有产品都是按照GMP、CE标志按照ISO13485。



【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】    杨永汉 
【腾讯 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室


福氏纳格里原虫(N.fowlere) 的阿米巴型可以成囊,但鞭毛型则不能。福氏纳格里阿米巴为嗜热性,其滋养体在37—45℃时生长*,0 ~4℃迅速死亡。包囊抵抗力较强,在51—65℃8个月仍有活力, 在-20℃能生存4个月以上。包囊还能耐受高浓度游离氯。人在江 河湖塘中游泳或用疫水洗鼻时,含纳格里阿米巴进入鼻腔,增殖 后穿过鼻粘膜和筛状板,沿嗅神经上行入脑,侵入中枢神经系统 (CNS),引起原发性阿米巴脑膜脑炎(PAM)。其侵袭力可能主 要由于产生毒素或溶细胞物质增强吞噬活动,虫体表面磷酸脂酶A 和溶酶体酶促使发病。原发性阿米巴脑膜脑炎发病急骤,病情发 展迅速??加型吠础⒎⑷?、呕吐等症状,迅速转入谵妄、瘫痪 、昏迷,zui快可在一周内死亡。其损害主要表现为急性广泛的出血性坏死性脑膜脑炎,在脑脊液 和病灶组织中有大量滋养体。宿主的易感因素可能存在缺乏IgA, 因而粘膜的防御功能受到削弱所致。棘阿米巴的分布更广泛,在 呼吸道分泌物中??煞⑾帧2”湓⒉课辉谄し艋蜓?、肺、胃、 肠和耳等引起炎症和肉芽肿,在宿主免疫抑制或减弱情况下,可 能源传播到中枢神经系统而引起肉芽肿性阿米巴脑炎(GAE) 。其损害多为慢性肉芽肿性病变;因此病程较长, 可达18-120天 。有少数病程呈急性,在10~14天内死亡。神经系统体征显示局 灶性单侧损害,有严重的局灶性坏死和水肿。病人头痛、发热呕 吐、颈强直、眩晕、嗜睡、精神错乱、共济失调直至昏迷和死亡 。但棘阿米巴未转移至脑的一般不致命,少数可自愈。实验观察与诊断编辑1.溶组织内阿米巴包囊(1)包囊(铁苏木素染色):在油镜下观察,包囊圆形,直径5~20 凹?,囊壁清晰,核染成蓝黑色,圆形,1~4个,核仁细小,多 位于中央,核周染粒大小均匀,排列整齐,核的特征在鉴别种类 上有重要意义。胞质中,糖原在染色过程中微溶解而成为糖原泡 。在未成熟包囊中可见到拟染色体。
Entamoeba species of N. fowler can form bursa, but flagella can not. F. natual Amoeba is a thermophilic trophozoite whose trophozoite grows best at 37-45°C and rapidly dies at 0-4°C. The cysts have strong resistance and are still active at 51-65°C for 8 months. They can survive at -20°C for more than 4 months. The cysts also tolerate high concentrations of free chlorine. When a person swims in rivers, lakes, ponds or wash their nose with nausea, the Nagalis amoeba enters the nasal cavity. After proliferating, they pass through the nasal mucosa and sieve-like plates, enter the brain along the olfactory nerve, and invade the central nervous system (CNS). Causes primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). Its invasiveness may be mainly due to the production of toxins or cytolytic substances to enhance phagocytic activity, phospholipase A and lysosomal enzymes on the surface of the worm promote disease. The incidence of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis is rapid and the condition is rapidly developing. Symptoms such as headache, fever, vomiting, etc., are rapidly transferred to cockroaches, convulsions, and coma. They can die within a week as soon as possible. The damage is mainly manifested in acute and extensive hemorrhagic necrotizing meningoencephalitis, with a large number of trophozoites in cerebrospinal fluid and lesion tissues. The susceptibility factors of the host may lack IgA, and the mucosal defense function is weakened. Acanthamoeba are more widely distributed and often found in respiratory secretions. The primary site of the lesion causes inflammation and granulomas in the skin or eyes, lungs, stomach, intestines, and ears. In the case of host immune suppression or attenuation, it may be transmitted to the central nervous system and cause granulomatous amoebic encephalitis ( GAE). The damage is mostly chronic granulomatous lesions; therefore, the course of the disease is longer and can reach 18-120 days. A few of the illnesses were acute and died within 10 to 14 days. Neurological signs showed focal unilateral lesions with severe focal necrosis and edema. Patients have headaches, fever, vomiting, stiff neck, dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, ataxia, and coma and death. However, Acanthamoeba does not metastasize to the brain and it is generally not fatal. A few can be self-healing. Experimental Observation and Diagnosis Editing 1. Entamoeba histolytica cyst (1) cyst (Iron hematoxylin stain): Observed under the oil microscope, cysts round, diameter 5 to 20 concave, wall clear, nuclear dyed blue-black, round, From 1 to 4, the nucleolus are small and mostly located in the center. The size of the nucleus is uniform and neatly arranged. The nuclear characteristics are of great significance in identifying species. In the cytoplasm, glycogen is slightly soluble during the staining process and becomes a glycogen vesicle. Immature chromosomes are seen in immature cysts

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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