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( MOB:杨永汉)



【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

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【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103


②亚种(subsecies)或变种(variety):为种内的再分类。当某一个种内的不同菌株存在少数明显而稳定的变异特征或遗传性状,而又不足以区分成新种时,可以将这些菌株细分成两个或更多的小的分类单元——亚种。变种是亚种的同义词,因“变种”一词易引起词义上的混淆,从年后,不在使用变种一词。通常把实验室中所获得的变异型菌株,称之为亚种。例如:E.colik(野生型)是不需要特殊aa的,而实验室变异后,可从k获得某aa的缺陷型,此即称为E.colik的亚种。③型(form):常指亚种以下的细分。当同种或同亚种内不同菌株之间的性状差异不足以分为新的亚种时,可以细分为不同的型。例如:按抗原特征的差异分为不同的血清型微生物的命名:微生物的名字有俗名和学名两种。如:红色面包霉——粗糙脉孢霉;绿脓杆菌——铜绿假单胞菌。学名—是微生物的科学名称,它是按照有关微生物分类委员会拟定的法则命名的。学名由拉丁词、或拉丁化的外来词组成。学名的命名有双名法和三名法两种。①双名法:学名=属名+种名+(*定名人)+现定名人+定名年份 属名:拉丁文的名词或用作名词的形容词,单数,首字母大写,表示微生物的主要特征,由微生物构造,形状或由科学家命名。种名:拉丁文形容词,字首小写,为微生物次要特征,如微生物色素、形状、来源或科学家姓名等。例:大肠埃希氏杆菌Escherichiacoli(Migula)CaslanietChalmers金黄色葡萄球菌StahylococcusaureusRosenbach 当泛指某一属微生物,而不特指该属中某一种(或未定种名)时,可在属名后加s.或ss.(分别代表secies缩写的单数和复数形式)。
2 subsecies or varieties: Reclassification within species. When there are a few distinct and stable variability or genetic traits in different strains of a single species, and they are not enough to differentiate into new species, these strains can be subdivided into two or more small taxa - Asia. Species. Variants are synonymous with subspecies, because the term "variant" can easily lead to confusion in the meaning of the word. From the years after, the term "variant" is not used. The variant strains obtained in the laboratory are usually called subspecies. For example, E.colik (wild-type) does not require special aa, but after laboratory variation, a certain aa-defective type can be obtained from k, which is called subspecies of E. colik. Type 3: Often referred to as a sub-species subdivision. When the differences in traits between different strains in the same species or in the same subspecies are not sufficient to be classified as new subspecies, they can be subdivided into different types. For example: According to the differences in the characteristics of antigens, they are divided into different serotypes: the name of the microorganism has two kinds, common name and scientific name. Such as: red bread mold - Neurospora crassa; Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Scientific name - is the scientific name of the micro-organism. It is named in accordance with the rules laid down by the International Commission on the Classification of Microorganisms. The scientific name consists of Latin words, or Latinized foreign words. There are two types of scientific names, the double-name method and the three-name method. 1 double name method: scientific name = generic name + species name + (first named person) + current celebrity + named name of the year Generic name: Latin noun or adjective used as a noun, singular, initial capital, indicating the main characteristics of the microorganism , Constructed by microorganisms, shaped or named by scientists. Species name: Latin adjectives, lowercase characters, are secondary characteristics of microorganisms, such as microbial pigments, shapes, sources, or scientists' names. Example: E. coli Escherichiacoli (Migula) Caslaniet Chalmers Staphylococcus aureus Rosenbach When referring to a genus of microorganisms, but does not specifically refer to a genus (or undetermined species name), can be added after the genus name Or ss. (represents singular and plural forms of the secies abbreviation).

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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