
您现在的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 进口检测试剂 > 热病染色菌悬液 > 英国进口流产布鲁氏菌Brucella abortus染色菌悬液
流产布鲁氏菌Brucella abortus染色菌悬液

流产布鲁氏菌Brucella abortus染色菌悬液

型    号: 英国进口
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流产布鲁氏菌Brucella abortus染色菌悬液: 需要了解更多产品可以咨询我们,本产品由广州健仑生物科技有限公司提供

  • 产品描述

流产布鲁氏菌Brucella abortus染色菌悬液



产品名称流产布鲁氏菌Brucella abortus染色菌悬液


【用途】 热病抗原的染色菌悬液,用于检测、鉴定和定量血清中的布鲁氏菌特异性抗体 。










【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】    杨永汉 
【腾讯 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室




在实际应用中,~ mmol/L的渗透压可适于大多数细 胞。气体环境和pH体外培养细胞需要理想的气体环境,氧和二氧化 碳是细胞生存必须 的条件之一。氧参加细胞的三羧酸循环,产生 能量以供给细胞生长 、增殖和合成各种所需成分。有些细胞在低 氧条件下,可借糖酵解 取得能量,但多数细胞低氧时不能生存。 氧张力通常维持在略低于 大气状态,若氧分压超过大气中氧的含 量可能对有些细胞有害。采 用开放式培养时(碟皿或培养瓶松盖培 养或培养板培养),一般要把 细胞置于%空气加%二氧化碳的混合 气体环境中。CO既是细胞的代谢产物,又是细胞生长所必需的成分 ,并与维持 培养液的pH有关。在密闭瓶中CO浓度偏低的情况下, 细胞容易生 长;一般不能低于%,否则有损细胞。CO增加将使pH 下降。大多 数细胞适于在pH.~ pH .条件下生长,低于pH.或高于  pH.对细胞有害,甚至退变或死亡。
In practical applications, osmolality of ~ mmol/L can be adapted to most cells. Gas environment and pH The culture of cells in vitro requires an ideal gas environment. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are one of the necessary conditions for cell survival. Oxygen participates in the cell's tricarboxylic acid cycle, generating energy for the cells to grow, proliferate, and synthesize various desired components. Some cells can use glycolysis to obtain energy under hypoxic conditions, but most cells do not survive hypoxia. Oxygen tension is usually maintained slightly below atmospheric conditions. If oxygen partial pressure exceeds the oxygen content of the atmosphere, it may be harmful to some cells. When using open culture (plates or culture flasks for loose-leaf culture or plate culture), the cells are generally placed in a mixed atmosphere of % air plus carbon dioxide. CO is both a metabolite of cells and an essential component of cell growth, and is related to maintaining the pH of the culture solution. In the case of a low concentration of CO in a closed bottle, the cells are prone to growth; generally, they cannot be less than %, otherwise cells are damaged. An increase in CO will decrease the pH. Most cells are suitable for growth at pH.~ pH, below pH. or above pH. They are harmful to cells, and even degenerate or die.

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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