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美国NOVABIOS 进口违禁品快速检测试剂盒

美国NOVABIOS 进口违禁品快速检测试剂盒

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美国NOVABIOS 进口违禁品快速检测试剂盒
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美国NOVABIOS 进口违禁品快速检测试剂盒






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美国NOVABIOS 进口违禁品快速检测试剂盒








The autumn of November 3, 2017 is the best time to hold group events and strengthen the cohesion of the company. Guangzhou Jianlun Biotechnology Co., Ltd. upholds the concepts and attitudes of solidarity, fraternity, mutual aid, dedication, collaboration, and innovation. To improve the physical fitness of employees and strengthen corporate culture, it actively participates in the Games organized by this Science Park.

 At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, in the sun, in the song, on the field, the first fun games of Panyu Innovation and Technology Park kicked off! With the high voice of the host, the crowds on the court lined up in neat rows. The team leader stood in the front of the team holding up the signs of each representative team. The participating athletes were eagerly arranged in the ranks and waiting for the start of the sports meeting. Then, the leader of the Science Park and the leader of the Guangzhou Mountaineering Association made a speech and wished the Games a success!



After the opening ceremony, under the leadership of the host, the athletes completed the warm-up exercise. The upcoming game is a rousing game. The company's first competition program is to test the coordination of the body and teamwork thunderbolt. As the whistle sounded, six colleagues carefully waved the balloons on the drums with a concerted pace and rhythm. The two colleagues were waiting for their help and were ready to pick up the flunging balloons. With nervousness and excitement, every colleague is working hard to complete the game. With the sound of the referee's ending, colleagues were relaxed, but due to lack of exercise, our performance on this project was not satisfactory. The company’s leader, Zhan Zhan, encouraged everyone at this time to cheer up morale and achieved better results in the next game.



At three o'clock in the afternoon, the colleagues of Jianlun Biology were engaged in a penalties game. Accompanied by cheers, I saw my colleagues kick one exciting goal after another and the score went up. In the end, Jianlun Bios achieved good results in the top five on this project. During the intermission, Zhan summoned everyone to a brief summary and encouraged everyone to continue their efforts to achieve better performance. Sure enough, in the following tortoise-bitch races and super-shooting sessions, colleagues performed better and better, demonstrating the positive appearance of Jianlun Biocorp. and the corporate culture of solidarity and cooperation.



At five o'clock in the afternoon, as the last athlete crossed the finish line, the game also came to a close. In the next award ceremony, the winning teams and athletes received commendation and prizes. The sports event was over, but the success and spirit gained through the games will continue to circulate, and it will become a shining landscape on the path of Guangzhou Jianlun Biosciences!






【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司

【 市场部 】       杨永汉
【腾讯  】
【公司地址】 广州市清华科技园健新基地番禺石楼镇健启路63号二期2幢101-103室




ECM与肾脏纤维化各种原发性和/或继发性致病原因所导致ECM合成与降解的动态失 衡,促使大量ECM积聚而沉积于肾小球、肾间质内,导致肾脏各级 血管堵塞,混乱分隔形成肾脏组织形态学改变,zui终导致肾单位丧 失,肾功能衰竭,进一步发展成为不可逆转的肾小球硬化。硬化病 变过程如下:()肾小球硬化后,分泌合成大量的不易被降解的胶原,更促使了 肾脏细胞外基质过度积聚。()系膜细胞病变抑制了肾脏纤溶酶的降解活性。()肾脏基质金属蛋白酶组织抑制因子与纤溶酶原激活抑制因子的 合成后,肾脏降解活性降低。()肾脏纤溶酶对肾脏细胞外基质的降解能力降低后,导致肾小球 内肾脏细胞外基质合成异常增加,大量合成的肾脏细胞外基质取代 了肾小球各功能细胞的空间,破坏了肾小球的组织结构,损伤了肾 小球的功能,zui终导致肾小球硬化的形成。目前学者们*认为恶性肿瘤的侵蚀、转移是一个动态的、连续的 过程。肿瘤细胞首先从原发部位脱落,侵入到细胞外基质 (extrcellulr m-tric,ECM).
The imbalance of ECM synthesis and degradation caused by various primary and/or secondary pathogenesis of ECM and renal fibrosis contributes to the accumulation of a large number of ECM deposits in glomeruli and renal interstitium, leading to blood vessels at various levels of the kidneys. Blockage and confusion separate formation of renal tissue morphological changes, eventually leading to loss of nephrons, renal failure, and further development of irreversible glomerulosclerosis. The process of sclerosis is as follows: () After glomerulosclerosis, secrete and synthesize a large amount of collagen that is not easily degraded, which further promotes excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix in the kidney. () Mesangial cytopathy inhibits the degradation activity of renal plasmin. () After the synthesis of renal matrix metalloproteinase tissue inhibitor and plasminogen activation inhibitor, the renal degrading activity is reduced. () Renal plasmin degradation of the extracellular matrix of the kidneys results in an abnormal increase in the extracellular matrix synthesis of the kidneys in the glomerulus. The massive synthesis of the renal extracellular matrix replaces the space of the glomerular functional cells, destroying The glomerular tissue structure damages the function of the glomerulus and eventually leads to the formation of glomerulosclerosis. Current scholars agree that the erosion and metastasis of malignant tumors is a dynamic and continuous process. Tumor cells first detach from the primary site and invade the extracellular matrix (ECM)

广州健仑生物科技有限公司(www.yayun360.com) 热门产品:喹诺酮类检测试剂盒,西尼罗河检测试剂,基孔肯雅热试剂,寨卡检测试剂,疫病核酸试剂
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